Rudy vs. Rudy TKO

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 8/22/2007 12:53:10 AM

The competition for the Republican nomination demands that candidates put the blinders on about immigration, and once you've got the blinders on sometimes you run into walls.  Unfortunately, for Rudy, this week, that wall is Rudy Guiliani ca. 1996.

Rudy 2007:  I promise you we can end illegal immigration.


Rudy 1996:  We're never, ever, gonna be able to totally control immigration...

This is the problem with Rudy and Mitt:  when they became candidates, they gave up their souls, they gave up being authentic

What do these guys stand for?  They stand for winning at any cost. That's the dirty underbelly of all Rove politics: win at any cost, even your integrity.  We've seen what that got us with the presidency of that great, fake, snob George W. Bush.  The Bush Republicans can't seem to learn the critical lesson of America's worst political age.  When you give up your soul for power, everyone loses. 

More dangerous than pitiful, but pretty damned pitiful.

Josh Marshall has much more - below the fold.
