Nice One, Kos!

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/15/2007 11:44:49 AM

I love this.  Nice job, Kos...give 'em hell! :)


It's funny. (Va Blogger - 8/15/2007 11:48:02 AM)
Kos holds Susan Collins accountable for every comment that's posted on her site, but doesn't hold himself accountable when he responded to the deaths of four Americans with "screw them".

Either you totally missed the snark (Lowell - 8/15/2007 12:02:35 PM)
or you got it but chose to ignore it.

No, I got it. (Va Blogger - 8/15/2007 12:47:51 PM)
I just don't know how this brand of "snark" equates with "giving them hell".

Ummm (bherring - 8/15/2007 12:06:17 PM)
That one clearly sailed WAY over your head.

Let's hope it sails over the rest of the (Lowell - 8/15/2007 12:20:57 PM)
right wingers' heads as well.  Sometime I think these people are lacking in irony, snark, and sarcasm chips.

How does it feel lto be ENEMY #1 (MohawkOV1D - 8/15/2007 1:08:38 PM)
Maybe that will be KKKARL's new job, KILL THE LIBERAL BLOGS.

You can always tell that what your doing is right by how much the Repugs hate you!