Bush, Fascism, and the Sins of the (Grand)Father

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 8/10/2007 3:13:46 PM

The Bush clan came in to a some big bucks around the turn of the century under the father of Bush (41) and grandfather of Bush (43), a guy named Prescott Bush.

Prescott Bush, in addition to being a powerful money manager, was also a big supporter of both Hitler and Mussolini helping both fascist icons rise to power.

He was also apparently a key figure in the "Business Plot" to take over the Federal Government and oust FDR in favor of a fascist cabal.

"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime.... A prominent executive of one of the largest corporations, told me point blank that he would be ready to take definite action to bring fascism into America if President Roosevelt continued his progressive policies. Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there. Propagandists for fascist groups try to dismiss the fascist scare. We should be aware of the symptoms. When industrialists ignore laws designed for social and economic progress they will seek recourse to a fascist state when the institutions of our government compel them to comply with the provisions."

But what does this have to do with the Bush clan?

And among the participants in this coup attempt was one Prescott Bush, father of George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st president of the United States, grandfather of George W Bush, current president of the United States. Prescott Bush was not only instrumental in bringing Hitler to power in Germany, Mussolini to power in Italy, but was also plotting to overthrow the legal government of the United States and establish a fascist state here. Prescott Bush served as a Senator from Connecticut and was a partner in the prominent investment banking firm Brown Brothers Harriman.

Of course, this is all well known, but it's important to have this these issues ready when Bush Republicans start asking you who hates America. 

Never forget that Progressivism saved America from the Depression and saved the world from Fascism in World War II.  Thus, Progressivism lead to the rise of the American super power in the 20th century.  Patriots are those who put America before their own personal interests.  Was Prescott Bush a patriot?  Is his Grandson?


It runs in the Bush blood. (soccerdem - 8/10/2007 4:45:32 PM)
It's uncanny but last night I was thinking about Bush's warrantless surveillance program and I remembered the stories about his grandfather.  So I spent a good deal of time reading again all about what you've just written.

Thank you for bringing this back to our attention again. 

It's something that we should always remember and bring up frequently.

F**ed by FISA (The Grey Havens - 8/10/2007 5:18:49 PM)
yeah, anything to keep and hold power:

Bush is now using the new wiretapping power that the Democrats gave him to legally justify... well just about everything.

Hey, if you commit a crime and then change the law, is anything actionable?

Bush Family Skeletons (Gordie - 8/11/2007 8:31:13 AM)


1918 Prescott Bush Sr., leads a raid on a Indian tomb to secure Geronimo's skull for Skull & Bones.

1937 Prescott Bush's investment firm sets up deal for the Luftwaffe so it can obtain tetraethyl lead.

1942 Three firms with which Prescott Bush is associated are seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act.

1953 George Bush and the Liedtke brothers form Zapata Petroleum. Zapata's subsidiary, Zapata Offshore, later becomes known for its close ties to the CIA.

1954 The Bush family buys out the Liedtke brothers.

1955 George Bush sets up a Mexican drilling operation, Permago, with a frontman to obscure his ownership. The frontman later is convicted of defrauding the Mexican government of $58 million.

1959 Manuel Noriega recruited as an agent by the US Defense Intelligence Agency.

1960 Some investigators believe George Bush spent part of this year and the next in Miami on behalf of the CIA, organizing rightwing exiles for an invasion of Cuba. Is said to have worked with later Iran-Contra figure Felix Rodriguez.



Its all out in the open (Rebecca - 8/11/2007 5:04:33 PM)
This is all out in the open and the Democrats in Congress are living in Disneyland. (BTW, I've read that Walt Disney was a Hitler sympathizer.)

I think the part about J.P. Morgan was interesting.

Sounds Like (Gordie - 8/12/2007 8:28:31 AM)
When Bush was called a Nazi in '04, that was not too far off.
No wonder his campaign got so worked up.