VA-Sen: Novak: 2008 to See Election of Senator MARK Warner

By: Senate 2008 Guru
Published On: 8/5/2007 6:23:55 PM

[First, a cheap plug for my blog Senate 2008 Guru: Following the Races.]

Bob "Count Chocula" Novak sees Virginia Republican leaders expecting the retirement of John and the Senate election of Mark:

Gloomy top Republicans in Virginia are privately predicting that a man named "Warner" will be elected to the Senate from their state next year, but add that he is likely to be a Democrat.

The state's GOP leaders not long ago were sure that 80-year-old Republican Sen. John Warner would seek a sixth term in 2008, but now they think he probably will not. That would open the door for Democratic former Gov. Mark Warner (no relation) to enter the race. Any Republican would be an underdog against the Democratic Warner.

Rep. Tom Davis is the leading prospect if John Warner doesn't run, but conservatives are seeking somebody to oppose Davis' nomination.

Regardless of any assurances of fundraising ability, John Warner's money intake screams "retirement."  We'll know next month.  Then the ball is in Mark's court. (HT: PW)


Not to put too fine a point on it, but... (The Grey Havens - 8/6/2007 10:02:44 AM)
Suck it Tom Davis!!!

BLUE VIRGINIA 2008!!!!! (The Grey Havens - 8/6/2007 10:05:03 AM)
Obama/Webb or HRC/Webb or Edwards/Webb and with Mark Warner down ticket!!!!

Think of the Dem Turnout!!!

With all due respect (thegools - 8/6/2007 7:01:48 PM)
I would really like to have Webb stay where he is.  I really like the job he is doing.....and if he left the Senate a Senator Tom Davis (or some other GOP Senator) would become quite possible.

I agree... (novademocrat - 8/6/2007 8:54:45 PM)
but also, I love Jim Webb, but he only won by 9000 votes and wasn't really the best candidate out on the stump in 06 and doesn't guarantee he brings Virginia with him in 08. 

People just need to give him a few more years...

Mark (leftofcenter - 8/6/2007 10:51:32 AM)
Warner will crush any rethug that runs. I hope he runs!

I've changed my position on this lately: (Silence Dogood - 8/6/2007 11:06:47 AM)
I really, really hope Mark Warner runs for Senate.  I think the only think that would improve Dem turnout in a Presidential year more than a strong Dem candidate would be having Mark Warner running statewide on the 2008 ticket.

Tho I live in FL now, (summercat - 8/6/2007 4:29:05 PM)
I retain the greatest respect for Mark Warner.  Personally, I'd rather see him on a Clark/Warner ticket, but if that is not to be, then more power to him for a Senate run.  He's a great guy.  He's also be a dynamite cabinet member in a Dem admin, but I think the Dem admin prolly won't occur.  Call me a cynic.

Go MW! (Kindler - 8/6/2007 10:16:13 PM)
Novak tends to have very good Repub sources. Taken along with the evidence of John Warner's non-existent fundraising, I think this story is very plausible.

I can't think of a Republican in the state who could give Mark Warner a run for his money.  He would crush Tom Davis like a bug...

I post a thread on Kos (jiacinto - 8/6/2007 10:30:45 PM)
a month ago stating that Tom Davis had already reserved web space for a 2008 Senate race.

As much as I want MW to run for something, (Randy Klear - 8/7/2007 12:57:14 AM)
I think his tremendous administrative talents would go to waste in the Senate.  I can't think of any better choice as a candidate, but I think an accomplished legislator would serve better in the Senate, working with a re-elected Governor Warner.

Completely agree (Carrington - 8/7/2007 4:22:23 PM)
We need Warner back in the Governor's Mansion.

Yes, but... (Kindler - 8/7/2007 10:33:56 PM)
...the problem is the stupid law that limits Virginia governors to only one consecutive term.  So another four years and he's unemployed again.  (Mind you, I'm not against all term limits, just unreasonable ones.)

So I think that moving to the Senate would expand his future options, and that may be why he's thinking about it so seriously.

Yes, but (Randy Klear - 8/8/2007 1:33:10 AM)
history has shown that the Senate is not the best path to the White House.  Nor is it a place for someone with Mark's entrepreneurial instincts.  He may feel he needs to go there, but I strongly suspect he'll be gone in six years if elected.

And as for term limits, every proposal I've heard for giving the governor consecutive terms adds a lifetime limit of two.  That's a much worse type of term limit than we have now.