Kos' Speech on the Netroots: Thank You Markos!

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/5/2007 9:03:18 AM

I strongly recommend Markos' speech to YearlyKos.  I particularly liked this riff on the progressive, netroots movement:

It's a movement that continuously refreshes itself, taking advantage of its democratizing infrastructure to give anyone with the right idea and passion a chance to change the world.

It's a world in which the gatekeepers in the traditional media, political and activist establishments can be easily bypassed.

It doesn't matter whether the elite think we are respectable or not. They have no right to judge us.

It is those leaders - YOU -- who are changing your country.

And, in spite of Kos' modesty ("Me? I'm just a guy who built a website."), HE is one of those key leaders who are helping to change our country for the better.  I mean, seriously Markos, do you think that anyone can just build a website and - next thing you know - be getting 500,000 visits per day, not to mention every Democratic Presidential candidate but one to the YearlyKos convention?  Uh, sorry pal, but as admirable as your humility is, you can't escape that easily:  you are a HUGE part in the "Netroots Rising" over the past 5 years, you have earned a place in history, so take a bow!  Also, get back to work - no "goodbye cruel world"'s allowed - cuz there's a lot more important work to be done.

Thanks Markos.  And thanks Jerome, for helping to get "Kos" going on his blogging career.  There's a reason why Jerome is known as "The Blogfather."  And there's a reason why there's a conference called "YearlyKos."  Keep the great work, guys, and remember - the rest of us at the state and local level are simply following the path that you blazed.  Something tells me that we haven't blazed them all, either.
