David Miller Withdrawal Letter

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/31/2007 4:49:36 PM

Open letter to Fairfax Democrats:

It is with mixed emotions that I have submitted my letter of withdrawal as your candidate for Fairfax County Clerk of Court.

One of the most important aspects of my campaign was to educate my fellow Democrats and the electorate at large about the critical impact of the Clerk of Court on the lives of our Citizens. I am proud that we have succeeded in that objective.

I have decided to withdraw my candidacy not because of any lack of support; in fact the support that I have received from our elected officials and Democrats throughout the county and city has been steady and consistent. 

I am withdrawing because the focus of the campaign has shifted away from the record of the incumbent.  That record, as I have said many times before, is a disturbing litany of poor judgement, absentee management and a complete disregard for the privacy of confidential information.


I sincerely hope that by removing myself from the Clerk's race, voters can objectively analyze that record and make an informed decision to replace him.  I for one will vote for and wholeheartedly support the Democratic Candidate. 

Finally, I want to especially thank our friends, supporters and contributors who selflessly devoted themselves to my candidacy and to our campaign. 

Best Regards,

David H. Miller
