Prince William Anti-Immigrant Measures Scare LEGAL Immigrants

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/15/2007 9:04:50 AM

Nice job, Supervisor Stirrup et al, are you happy now?

By the way, according to a new Washington Post-Kaiser Foundation-Harvard University poll, only 35% of Virginians believe that illegal immigrants should be "deported back to their home country."  A majority of Virginians (56%) believe - as I do - that illegal immigrants "[s]hould be offered a chance to keep their jobs and eventually apply for legal status."  The remainder don't know or refused to answer. 

So what exactly is good about a headline like this: "Fear Seizes Pr. William Immigrants -- Legal and Not?"  I'm obviously not seeing the upside to putting LEGAL residents and citizens of American in fear. 


Illegal Immigrant Gives America the Finger (The Old Town Observer - 7/15/2007 12:00:03 PM)
I just read the WashPo article you linked. The last thing that  the illegal immigrant said in the article, was even if he were deported he would be "back in a month".  He and his ilk certainly respect our laws, now don't they?

And who is paying his salary? (Lowell - 7/15/2007 12:04:02 PM)
Who is demanding his labor?  Who is looking the other way as corporations make huge amounts of profit exploiting cheap, immigrant labor?  Hmmm.

Who voted for the "free trade" agreements (Lowell - 7/15/2007 12:06:59 PM)
that helped drive him to leave his country in the first place?

Poll (TurnVirginiaBlue - 7/15/2007 1:59:54 PM)
I think it's a lot more nuanced that these sort of "either or"
questions.  i.e. they use the word "deport" OR full bore amnesty...

I don't think that's representative of what most Americans really think frankly.

There are a lot who want illegal employers punished and the magnet to plain dry up, so when they put questions into an either or format I think frankly it's misleading.

That's because when a bill comes up or a ballot measure the votes show something different.  For example, Hispanics in AZ voted 50% for some fairly punitive measures to deny social services and so forth for illegals. 

If someone ran a true national poll with a good 30 questions that really go put forth a nuanced policy position we might get a good answer on what most people think...

but right now I think it's just "poll wars" with bad questions.  Some of them are almost push polls frankly.

Illegal Alien Gives America the Finger (The Old Town Observer - 7/15/2007 2:38:40 PM)
WHOA...I'm with you, Lowell! There is no doubt the main cause for the illegals streaming across the border is the easy availability of jobs. Never underestimate the USA's thirst for labor at slave wages. Someone is always looking to make a quick buck by any means necessary. These corporate privateers need to be put in jail. Starting with the clowns at SWIFT meat packing who were just caught a second time in an ICE raid. The Gov. should shut them down and forfeit all corporate assets.

There is plenty of blame to go around. Almost as much as the luring of the illegals by our corporate crooks, the Government of Mexico and other Central American oligarchies want to be rid of their uneducated illiterate underclass,that constitutes a dangerous mix of indigenous peoples who are susceptible to the rhetoric of the  Communist Zapatistas and other Pancho
Villa like populist revolutionaries. Just ship them north. Help them along the way. Let the American taxpayers give them free services while the corporate privateers make some windfall profits. Real Nice.

Point is something has to be done. if it takes a fence to keep the WashPo guy from coming back once he has been deported, let's start digging the post holes NOW.

If Bush won't do it...IMPEACH!!

Yes, this flow of immigrants serves (Lowell - 7/15/2007 2:44:14 PM)
many powerful interests.  It's not just Bush; even if we impeached him, which I think he richly deserves for a whole host of reasons, illegal immigration would continue.  I actually agree with John McCain on this one, that the system of money in politics corrupts everyone and everything it touches.  I'm just not sure what to do about it without violating the First Amendment.

The horrible dangers of the guys working on your lawn (Hugo Estrada - 7/15/2007 7:46:16 PM)
This sentence leaves me speechless:

the Government of Mexico and other Central American oligarchies want to be rid of their uneducated illiterate underclass, that constitutes a dangerous mix of indigenous peoples who are susceptible to the rhetoric of the  Communist Zapatistas and other Pancho Villa like populist revolutionaries.

So in a single sentence, we got that undocumented Hispanic immigrants to this country are:

indigenous{!?-- I didn't know that being Native American was a negative}

I didn't know that the guys cutting our neighbors' grass were so dangerous! Here I thought all what they wanted was to make enough money to support their family back in Central America, yet they are dangerous revolutionary Communists!!! Their washing dishes at restaurants must be part of their plot to bring the dictatorship of the proletarian to the USA!!!

I am so glad that I have been warned.

Illegal Alien Gives America the Finger (The Old Town Observer - 7/15/2007 2:54:39 PM)
Bush or any President has taken an oath to protect America from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. The corporate privateers and the illegals both qualify, in my opinion, as threats to America's well being. If Bush or any other President is derelict in his/her duty to protect our borders,
then he/she needs to be removed by the Congress.

Well (jiacinto - 7/15/2007 5:49:47 PM)
I agreed with the PW County Board of Supervisors on this issue, with the exception of kicking kids out of school. First of all I am half-Latino. My mother came to the US legally. She played by the rules.

What angers me is the arrogance among illegals (and it is just not Latinos) that they should somehow be entitled to citizenship and government services even though they came here without following proper procedure. To me that sounds downright unreasonable. Why should we, the taxpayers, support those who are not citizens and who admit to coming here illegally? Those who are here illegally should be deported or pay a very steep fine.

And it is just not Latinos and Arabs coming here illegally. It's foreign students from European countries who overstay their visas. It's the European "Au Pair" who stays here. They all should be treated the same: if they are here without papers they should face the consequences.

I agree that Hispanics shouldn't be singled out or targeted by racist campaigns. But I see nothing wrong with requiring legal immigrants to show the papers as long as it is just not Hispanics and Arabs being singled out.

JUSTICE (V for - 7/15/2007 9:25:18 PM)
Ther is much talk about the law.  We should talk more about justice and look into our hearts.  We must show the world that we are inclusive and willing to learn.