"Iraq: Go Deep or Get Out" by Stephen Biddle

By: john4_SamRasoul_2008
Published On: 7/13/2007 3:17:58 PM

To: Senators Webb ; Warner ; & Reid ; the Bush II R+¬gime ; Speaker Nancy Pelosi ; Undisclosed Locations ; Bob Goodlatte (R-Va-6th)

Cc: Tucker, Cynthia - Journalist ; The Sojourners ; sub@commondreams.org ; Richardson, for President ; Rasoul, Sam, for Cong. 6th ; Prof. Thomas J. DiLorenzo ; nightly@nbc.com ; Ms. Heather Wokusch ; Mr. George Will, Journalist ; Mr. Eric Margolis, Journalist ; matt4sam2008@hotmail ; MarshallAdame4Cong2008 ; John W. Whitehead, J. D. ; eppn@episcopalchurg.org ; Editor, The Freelance-Star ; Editor, Shen Valley-Herald ; Dr. Sidney Blumenthal ; Dr Karen Kwiatkowski ; ChairmanGOP @ RNC ; Bill Maher, Pundit ; Betty Molchany, J. D. ; Northern VA Daily - Editor
Sent: 13 Jul 2007
Subject: FW: "Iraq: Go Deep or Get Out" by Stephen Biddle


  [Picture: Flag of the USA]
  [Text: "These Colors Don't Torture"]

Dear Gentlepersons:

This article, "Iraq: Go Deep or Get Out" by Stephen Biddle [below], captures our present policy predicament.

Please consider that:

To 'Go Deep' and prevail, in Iraq, you must commit to a more extensive program of genocide and ethnic cleansing than that which you are implementing today.  The "Get Out" option must be our choice.

We, the United States, can then:
Work through the UN to make contributions to humanity everywhere.

In the Middle-East, this will involve an equitable resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as well as whatever else may then prove possible.

And the Bush II R+¬gime War On Terror policy Deciders may begin their efforts to avoid negative personal consequences for their legal and moral transgressions.

Consider, the US national debt is now so large that it will reduce traction for US resistance to having former Bush II R+¬gime leaders held legally accountable in the international arena.  And much of the world will want to see a process something like the post-WWII Nuremberg Trials.

The personal negative moral repercussions for some of the former Bush II R+¬gime period figures will probably be severe.  Some will experience a great deal of anger and guilt.  Some of them will continue to behave inappropriately and be lauded by some folks, not many, here in the USA. 

With every good wish,
For reflection:

"... a prince who is not wise himself will never take good advice, ..." ~ Machiavelli

"You may not be interested in war; but war is interested in you." ~ Trotsky

We are going to need sensible people in government to clean up this mess.  I think that I have found someone who can and will make a significant contribution: < http://www.sam2008.c... >].

----- Original Message -----
To: Undisclosed Locations
Sent: 12 July 2007
Subject: A washingtonpost.com article

"Iraq: Go Deep or Get Out"
By Stephen Biddle
Centrist policies appeal to the American public but do not fit the military reality of Iraq.
Article available: < http://www.washingto... >
