Caroline County Democratic Committee Event

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/13/2007 9:08:29 AM


Spotsylvania: Not one Dem running for local office!!!! (Dianne - 7/14/2007 10:46:27 AM)
Congratulations to Caroline County on supporting SEVEN candidates that are running as DEMOCRATS and not as Independents.  In my county, Spotsylvania, which is adjacent to Caroline and fast becoming part of NoVa, there is something critically wrong:  there are NO Democrats running for local offices!!!!  However, there are plent of candidates proudly running as Republicans but nary a Democrat.

There is something wrong in Spotsylvania when 16,000+ Spotsylvania folks came out and voted for John Kerry in 2004 and yet in 2007 there is not even one Democratic candidate on the Spotsylvania ballot this year for local office!!!