RPV Parades "Washington Republican Ideologues" Through Virginia

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/11/2007 4:04:21 PM

From the Democratic Party of Virginia (DPV)...this rocks!

July 11, 2007   

Danae Jones 804-433-0071

RPV Continues to Parade Out-of-Touch, Washington Republicans Through Virginia

Richmond- Democratic Party of Virginia Spokeswoman Danae Jones released the following statement today in advance of Newt Gingrich's appearance at a Republican Party of Virginia fundraiser tonight:

"The fact that the RPV continues to parade Washington Republican ideologues through the Commonwealth shows just how out of touch they are with Virginia and the people who live here.  We don't need Gingrich's gridlock politics in Virginia.  Instead of cozying up to DC politicians like Fred Thompson and learning new obstruction tactics from Newt Gingrich, Virginia Republicans ought to join Democrats in making Virginia a better place to live, work and raise a family."

RPV Marches Out-of-Touch Washington Politicians Through Virginia:

06/26/07- Rudy Giuliani
06/02/07- Fred Thompson
05/18/07- Pres. George W. Bush
05/05/07- Mitt Romney


WOW. (phriendlyjaime - 7/11/2007 4:05:16 PM)
I didn't expect cajones like that.  Nice.

I think (leftofcenter - 7/11/2007 5:53:08 PM)
that I am going to be sick.

Gridlock politics? (Susan P. - 7/11/2007 4:42:25 PM)
While this DPV press release is certainly refreshing, Gingrich has to answer for a lot more than "gridlock politics."  Like, for instance, his attempts to take over the world and become immortal by galvanizing the Death Eaters and creating horcruxes.  Oh, wait, that's a different Republican-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Who are they bringing in next? (elevandoski - 7/11/2007 10:21:12 PM)
Mark Foley?

Don't give them any suggestions! (Lowell - 7/11/2007 10:22:13 PM)

Second Wave (JScott - 7/12/2007 10:45:51 AM)
The first wave of Washington elites and insiders out of touch only precludes the second that is so rooted in the Washingtonian political fabric in one Hillary Clinton. She is coming to Virginia (Obama been here twice already)next week and hoping will keep the rhetoric of taking us back to the early nineties to nil. Thanks but no thanks. She wins nomination; and progressives bring on UNITY08 or Bloomberg.