
By: Lowell
Published On: 7/11/2007 6:40:52 AM

From today's Washington Post:

Sen. John W. Warner (Va.), a respected GOP voice on war policy, and Sen. Richard G. Lugar (Ind.), the ranking Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, are collaborating on an amendment that would meld the bipartisan efforts. Warner said that he will not comment on the initiative until after Bush presents an interim progress report on Iraq, which could come as early as tomorrow. But, according to lawmakers familiar with the deliberations, Warner and Lugar will try to merge some of the Iraq Study Group recommendations, such as a renewed diplomatic push, with forced mission changes similar to those in the Nelson-Collins amendment.

This is from an article, by the way, entitled "In GOP, Growing Friction On Iraq," which asserts that Senate Repbulican leaders are "[f]acing crumbling support for the war among their own members."  In other words, Republicans are finally "cutting and running" from Bush's Iraq fiasco.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Bush remains in denial, arguing that the surge troops "have just showed up and are beginning operations in full and you have people in Washington saying 'Stop'."  And John McCain is truly in la-la land, reporting that "From what I saw and heard while there [in Iraq], I believe that our military, in cooperation with the Iraqi security forces, is making progress in a number of areas."  Yeah, right Senator, and your Presidential campaign's going great too...ha.

Anyway, keep an eye on Warner-Lugar, because if those two guys get together on something, they will undoubtedly sway a lot of Republicans to their side.


I'd be happy with the results (Silence Dogood - 7/11/2007 9:41:44 AM)
But I still might be a little bit inconsolable if we worked our collective butt off to get democrats elected to majority status in Congress and the republicans STILL get credit for ending the war in Iraq because of strong leadership from moderate statesmen like John Warner.  I would call my senators and tell them to get off their butts, but John Warner IS my Senator, and Jim Webb's proposed some fantastic legislation that would ensure a reasonable deployment cycle for active duty soldiers as well as our national guard.

I wish the rest of them would get with the program.

Lugar showed his true stripes with his vote (Catzmaw - 7/11/2007 3:22:04 PM)
today on Webb's Amendment.

Fig Leaf (David Campbell - 7/11/2007 4:03:18 PM)
Whatever Warner and Lugar come up with is likely to be long on words and short on substance, just enough to give political cover for vulnerable Republicans who are up for reelection without any meaningful restrictions on Bush's ability to stay the course.