Frank Wolf Has a Republican Opponent

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/6/2007 9:43:36 PM

This is awesome, from Frank Wolf's Republican challenger, Vern McKinley:

Many people have asked why I am challenging an entrenched Republican incumbent, given that I have never run for national office.

I cast my first presidential ballot in 1984 for Ronald Reagan and also worked on President Reagan's re-election campaign. That was a time when the national Republican Party largely stood for limited government and low federal spending. Today too many members of Congress have abandoned our party's principles and have given G.O.P. a new meaning: Giving Out Pork. Out of control spending is just part of the problem. According to a recent survey, the Republican Party has completely lost its identity as the party of limited government and low spending.

I feel compelled to honor President Reagan's vision. The Republican Party should always offer its faithful the option of a limited government candidate. I offer 10th District Republican voters a clear alternative to Congressman Wolf. My family and I will be traveling throughout the district to share my ideas and ask for your support.

But it gets better.  Check out this page to watch Mr. McKinley blast Frank Wolf for earmarking, having "gone native," for voting along with "Speaker Pelosi" for things like No Child Left Behind and increasing the minimum wage, for his trip to Syria, and much more. 

This is going to be fun, that's all I have to say! :)


Re-Writing History (Chris Ambrose - 7/17/2007 3:46:16 PM)
So funny how these people don't get it.  As if the GOP has suddenly become the party of fiscal irresponsibility.

The guy claims the Reagan era was the era of limited government and fiscal responsibility?

Does he not know that Ronald Reagan was the biggest spender of any president since the founding of the Republic?  Of course, George W. Bush has now demonstrated that even the incompetance of Ronald Reagan can be outdone!

This pretty much sums it up. (Lowell - 7/17/2007 3:56:24 PM)

Hmmm...anyone see a pattern here?  Like, the debt used to fall under both Republican and Democratic administrations (Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter) but now rises in Republican administrations (Reagan, Bush, Dubya) and falls during Democratic administrations (Clinton's two terms)?  Please remind me again, which party is the fiscally responsible one?