Dog Bites Mitt Story

By: Lowell
Published On: 6/29/2007 1:13:58 PM

What do I know, but it seems to me like this isn't the kind of headline you'd want if you were running for President ("Romney Accused of Mistreating Family Dog").


Old news? (Teddy - 6/29/2007 3:26:41 PM)
That is Romney's response. I also ask, was the trip during the blistering heat of summer, or was it at Christmas, when it can get really really cold up yonder, especially breezing along atop a speeding car. I am sure the dog enjoyed being washed off under a power hose; Mitt says he did. Wonder what the Swift Boaters could do with this story, what sort of video they could come up with, brown stuff pouring down the windows of the car...