Democratic Debate Open Thread

By: Lowell
Published On: 6/28/2007 9:05:02 PM

The debate begins at 9 PM and is being broadcast on PBS, live from Howard University.  Please feel free to use this as an open thread on the debate and the 2008 race in general.  Thanks.

[UPDATE: In my opinion, the candidates finished in the following order in terms of their debate performances tonight.

1. Hillary Clinton - Style, substance, sense of humor, she had it all.  Also, the heavily African American audience LOVED her!
2. John Edwards - Passionate, knowledgeable, articulate, very strong.
3. Barack Obama - Did a fine job, but something was lacking...can't put my finger on it.  Energy level?
4. Joe Biden:  Very strong, but why do I feel like he's running for Vice President?
5. Dennis Kucinich:  Strong debate tonight, but the guy has no chance (too weird).
6. Bill Richardson: Knowledgeable and impressive in many ways, but rambles and is sometimes incoherent.
7. Chris Dodd: Good man, but yaaaaawwwwn.
8. Mike Gravel: This guy is insulting and should not be allowed in any more debates.  Crazy old geezer.]


Tavis Smiley just came on stage. (Lowell - 6/28/2007 9:13:41 PM)
According to PBS:

Inspired by the book The Covenant with Black America, The All-American Presidential Forums on PBS marks the first time that a panel comprised of journalists of color will be represented in primetime. Many of the questions that will be asked of the candidates focus on key domestic priorities that were originally outlined in the book.

This should be very interesting.

Gov. Deval Patrick (D-MA) (Lowell - 6/28/2007 9:15:39 PM)
introduces the candidates. This guy rocks!

"Discontent with Republicans.... (Lowell - 6/28/2007 9:16:31 PM) not enough to elect a Democratic President, nor should it be."

Good quote.

The candidates got an enthusiastic welcome (Lowell - 6/28/2007 9:18:05 PM)
Was it my imagination, or did Mike Gravel get the loudest applause?  Or maybe it was Barack Obama walking on stage?

Is race still the most intractable issue in America? (Lowell - 6/28/2007 9:31:45 PM)
Clinton:  Race and racism are defining challenges.  We HAVE made progress, but there is so much left to be done.  For anyone to deny that racism is still a problem in America is to deny the reality in front of their very eyes.  Today's Supreme Court decision turned the clock back.  "The march is not finished...the work is yet to be done."  VERY strong answer.

Biden:  It is still the defining issue. Also refers to Supreme Court decision.  The problem is that the rest of us weren't tough enough on Justice Roberts and Justice Alito.

Richardson:  Race is a major issue in this country, and the next President has to talk about it. Race is dealing with bigotry and racism that exists in this country.  Next President gonna have to speak passionately about a dialogue among all people.  First Latino to run for President.

Edwards: Finally we can talk about inequality in America.  The truth is that slavery, followed by segregation, followed by discrimation...great impact on America.  Two public school systems in America.  Two health care systems in America.  Race plays an enormous role in problems African Americans face in health care.  We need universal health care.  Every single person allowed to vote and vote is counted.  Responsibility to build one America that works for everybody across racial boundaries.

Obama: If it hadn't been for Thurgood Marshall and others, I would not be standing here today.  For us to achieve racial equality is good not just for African Americans but for America as a whole.  Heal the wounds of slavery and Jim Crow.  Progress we have made is not good enough.  Need to take personal responsibility, but also got to be a social responsibility, political will in the White House.

Kucinich: Racial inequality is real, affects every area of our life.  People say "pull yourself up by your bootstraps, then they steal their boots."  Need to make equal opportunity for education a constitutional privilege. Universal pre-kindergarten.  Eliminate "no child left behind."  Take resources away from war and military buildup...

Gravel: Racism was here at the beginning of this country, here in the 20th century, will be here in 21st century.  War on drugs...2.3 million people in jail, 70% are African Americans.  "I'll do away with the war on drugs, which does nothing but savage our inner cities and put our children at risk."  "The issue of druges is a public health issue...not a criminal issue."

Dodd:  Appropriate first question, critically important.  The shame of resegregation has been occurring for years in our country.  No subject is more important than the issue of education.  Key to equal access to our society.  To exclude race, as Supreme Court ruled today, is a major step backwards.  Need to reverse this decision today.

For fun while your listening... (elevandoski - 6/28/2007 9:36:11 PM)
This is just for fun.  Here are 25 questions to consider.  Submit your answer and the Presidential Selector will tell you who you should vote in 2008.

Education, race and poverty question. (Lowell - 6/28/2007 9:44:16 PM)
Biden:  The day before a minority child steps into a classroom, half the achievement gap already exists.  They already start behind.  That gap widens because we don't start school earlier, don't give single mothers in disadvantaged homes the opportunities they need...gotta focus on nurturing on children when they're very young.  Invest in children in preschool at age 4.

Richardson:  Nobody asks how we're gonna pay for the should be America's foremost priority.  I am for a minimum wage for teachers.  Have to make sure we deal with this achievement gap.  One out of two minorities don't make it through high school. That has to be combatted with at-risk programs, more parental involvement...we did this in New Mexico.  Have to find a way to give very American access to a college education.

Edwards: This issue of poverty in America is the cause of my life.  There is no one single cause of poverty.  Start much earlier than 4 years of age.  Pay teachers better. Get best teachers into inner cities and poor rural areas.  Make work pay for young men graduating from high school.  Raise min. wage, strengthen right to organize, help families save...

Obama: Early childhood education, starts from birth. Work with at-risk parents.  Critical to give teachers incentives, tools, training they need.  Put more money into after-school programs.  Can't leave money behind for No Child Left Behind.  Recognize these children as OUR children.  Too many of us thing it's acceptable for them not to succeed.

Kucinich:  When there's a war, people of two countries suffer.  Dr. Martin Luther King recognized link between war, fear, and poverty.  Shift paradigm of country away from war, we'll have the resources for eduation.  $1-$2 trillion spent on the war comes out of education for our children.  Reduce Pentagon budget by 15%.  Stop funding war, start funding eduation.

Gravel: Cut more than 15%.  You've heard this before.  Why doesn't it change. Has to be solved by the people, not by your leaders.  Money we've squandered in Iraq, could have hired 7.6 million teachers last year.  How did we get into this problem, people on this stage are all guilty.

Dodd:  No other issue as important as education.  Lots of good talk here.  For 26 years, I have dedicated myself to this issue.  I have walked the walk on these issues.  Nothing will be a higher priority.  Guarantee oppportunity to success.

Clinton:  It takes a village to raise a child.  American village has failed our children.  I have fought for more than 35 years for early childhood education, etc.  Work I did in Arkansas to raise standards for poor and minority children.  There is no more important issue.  Can't access education part from economic part.  Still disrimination in workplace.  This is a broader issue that we have to address.

Hillary knows how to do it, doesn't she? (Sui Juris - 6/28/2007 9:55:03 PM)
Just tapped into the Where the White Women At phenomena.


It still feels like we're looking at the candidates through saran wrap, though.  They all seem to be holding back.

(And oh my god, I don't need Joe Biden to ever say anything about wearing condoms.  Please, Joe, just don't.)

AIDS question (Lowell - 6/28/2007 9:55:36 PM)
Richardson:  Have to use needles...comprehensive education.  Have to deal with Africa. Make a major funding effort to deal with this issue.  Something positive about Pres. Bush, funding for AIDS...  Huh?

Edwards: Over half of new AIDS diagnoses in America are African Americans.  We shouldn't be dependent on private funding to deal with this scourge. Need to fully fund finding a cure for AIDS.  Need to fully fund the Ryan White law.  Need to ensure that Medicaid covers AIDS drugs and AIDS treatment.

Obama: Prevention involves eduation.  Have to overcome stigma that exists in our community.  Homophobia...don't address this issue as clearly as it needs to be. Broader issue; problems of health care, poverty, lack of opportunity all interconnected.  African American community has disease to its immune system.  Need to look at whole body here.  Create healthy communities. Universal health care.

Kucinich:  It's time to get real about health care and education in America.  Sex education as priority at early age.  We have 46 million Americans without health care.  Access is a basic right in democratic society. Time to end for-profit medicine.  Michael Moore is right about this.

Gravel: Scourge of our present society is the war on drugs.  If you really want to do something about inner cities, time to end this war.  All it does is create people out of criminals who are not criminals.  We're subsidizing insurance companies.  End this war on drugs.

Dodd: Need for broader usage of school-based clinics.  Job for government, but each and every citizen bears a responsibility to educate a child.  More participation by parents.  It's not just HIV/AIDS.  Lack of access to a wide variety of health care needs...obesity, diabetes, etc.  It isn't just univeral coverage, but access to this coverage.

*Funny Paris Hilton line by Tavis*

Clinton: If HIV/AIDS were leading cause of death of white women, there would be an outraged outcry in this country.  (huge applause, cheering)  Poor rural areas, underserved urban areas...multiple dimension problem, need to take it seriously.  Need to take it seriously.  (Huge appaluse again)

Biden:  How to prevent HIV/AIDS.  There is a policy of neglect, denial and lack of honesty.  It's not unmanly to wear a condom.  Women can say no.  Testing matters.  There's no shame in being tested for AIDS.  Community is engaged in denial, nobody wants to talk about it in the community. (applause)

Obama: I got tested (Lowell - 6/28/2007 9:56:18 PM)
with Michelle.

Warren Buffet - very wealthy not taxed nearly enough. (Lowell - 6/28/2007 10:05:12 PM)
Are rich not paying their fair share of taxes?

Edwards:  Genetic lottery in America. We want to live in an America where everybody gets the same chance to do well.  Peopel who have done well ought to have more responsibility to give back.  Need to get rid of Bush's tax cuts for rich people.  Capital gains rate is lower than rate secretaries pay.  We need to honor work not just wealth.

Obama:  Bush tax cuts - weren't needed, nobody was even asking for them.  Broader question - are we willing to make investments in genuine equal opportunity in this country.  People aren't looking for charity.  People really want fairness (applause).  Katrina - tragedy before the Hurrican struck, we had not made systematic investments. 

Kucinich:  Those in highest brackets not paying their fair shares.  Corporations are taking business offshore and evade taxation. Tax dollars are being spent on war and military buildup.  New direction.  Wealthy pay their fair share.  Corporations pay taxes here.  End of war as instrument of policy.

Gravel: Wipe out the income tax, it's corrupting our society . Retail sales tax, make it as progressive as you want.  Everybody will know what everybody is paying.  (huh?!?)

Dodd:  Our tax and fiscal policies ought to reflect our moral values.  Clinton Administration - more responsible fiscal policy.  We reward industries that leave America.  Reward companies that stay in inner cities.

Clinton:  Our economy was working a lot better in the 1990s.  When Bush Admin. came in, they were determined to tilt balance back to the privileged.  Middle class and working class are paying higher percentage of their incomes.  Buffet says "tax me, I'm a patriotic American."

Biden:  Buffet is right.  Eliminate Bush tax cuts for wealthy, they don't need it.  Fundamental shift of burden to wage earners away from investors. It's gotta shift back.  They really believe the wealthy know better, it's all about their ideology, it's got to fundamentally change.

Richardson:  No question that there's tax unfairness in this country, but we have to rebuild the economy.  Replace Bush tax cuts with tax cuts for middle class. Reward companies that go into inner cities, rural areas.  We need to be pro-growth Democrats, party of entrepreneurship, build capital.  Globalization must work for the middle class.  Meke tax code fairer, generate jobs...

Disparity in prison populations, black and white (Lowell - 6/28/2007 10:11:12 PM)
Obama:  Criminal justice system is not color blind.  Need a system of justice that is everybody.  I've got a track record at the state level.  Requires some political courage.

Kucinich:  End mandatory minimums (big applause).  Emphasis on rehabilitation, not incarceration for drug offenses. End federal death penalty.

Gravel:  If you don't have any money, you don't get any justice.  Need to change the system.  It's politics as usual today.

Dodd: Mandatory mininum sentencing has been a disaster.  Eliminate distinction between crack cocaine and powder cocaine.  Justice Dept. that isn't politicized.

Clinton:  Have to go after racial profiling.  Have to go after mandatory minimums...too widely used.  Non-violent offenders shouldn't be serving time in our prisons.  Need a system of justice that treats people equally...hasn't happened in this Administration.

Biden: I'm the guy that wrote drug court legislation.  Eliminate disparity between crack and poweder cocaine.  Insist that states apply law equally.

Richardson: Equal justice under law, yet today 68% of those in jail are minorities.  One out of three African American males spend some time in jail, that is wrong.  Need strategy to deal with poverty, have a living wage, expand child care, let Americans join a union...

Edwards:  Everything said has been correct. Our justice system is not color blind.  Create infrastructure of success.  Help get people back in community.

Richardson needs a speech class (The Grey Havens - 6/28/2007 10:16:07 PM)
It's just sad to watch a man of this caliber stumbling over his words like this. 

Guarantee right to return to New Orleans? (Lowell - 6/28/2007 10:17:37 PM)
Kucinich:  New Orleans underscores everything wrong about race in this country.  We have to guarantee people the chance to return to New Orleans and get jobs.

Gravel: If we weren't squandering our treasure on this terrible war, we would have 4 million housing units available.

Dodd: Katrina is symbol of everything wrong with this Administration.  Should become symbol of what we can do right in this country.  This is an American city.

Clinton: I have proposed 10-point Gulf Coast recovery plan.  This Adminisration has neglected with almost criminal indifference the rebuilding of New Orleans.  We have got to rebuild New Orleans. 

Biden:  US Constitution should be sufficient, we just need to step up.  It is the nation's problem, not just the people of New Orleans and Lousisiana.

Richardson:  Yes, I would support that.  This has been the most disgraceful episode.  FEMA should be directly under President.  Eliminate 10% match.  Get rid of burdonsome loans.

Edwards: I care about personally and deeply, announced my candidacy from 9th ward of New Orleans.  We have a huge responsibility.  I will make one person, high level, report to me every day, what did you do in New Orleans.  Help people of New Orleans rebuild their own city.

Obama:  Give people in New Orleans opportunity to rebuild their city.  Need President in touch with people of New Orleans BEFORE hurricane hits.  Gotta have on person in charge, have to have Pres. that understand that people of New Orleans were being neglected before the hurricane.

Obama's awesome! (The Grey Havens - 6/28/2007 10:18:49 PM)
I love to hear his voice.  He's charming and funny.  You can see how the audience lights up for him.  Totally out of the ballpark with the Katria question.

Obama needs to be Obama.  He's been faltering, because his advisors are making him talk all wonky about policy.

Nobody wants to hear him quote stats, the country wants his electricty.

Poor Dodd (The Grey Havens - 6/28/2007 10:22:23 PM)
Dodd's great.  He'd be awesome as Energy Secretary, or Eduation, or even Labor...

Unfortunately, he's on this stupid stage after that nutjob Gravel. So he's spending half his time dealing with Gravel's nutjobbery.  Poor Dodd.

I thought Hillary did great. (Lowell - 6/28/2007 10:30:58 PM)
I also think that Obama and Edwards were excellent.  Richardson had his moments, as did Biden.  The rest?  Eh.  Oh yeah, Gravel is both nuts AND offensive.  Get him OUT of there!

Kucinich is a riot! (The Grey Havens - 6/28/2007 10:23:46 PM)
Kill Nafta and the WTO.  He's right, of course.  right message wrong messenger.

Actually, I hate to say it but... (Lowell - 6/28/2007 10:32:20 PM)
...Kucinich did well tonight.

Outsourcing of US jobs. (Lowell - 6/28/2007 10:23:50 PM)
Gravel:  Outsourcing is not the problem, it's our trade agreements.  Funding health care on backs of businesses that make them uncompetitive in world.

Dodd: We shouldn't be outsourcing jobs. 

Clinton:  Outsourcing is a problem.  Started New Jobs for New York to try to stand against tide of outsourcing.  End tax breaks in tax code for outsourcing.  Trade agreements with enforceable labor and environmental standards.  Education.  Clean energy...create millions of new jobs.

Biden: Eliminating tax breaks will not keep jobs here in America.  Have to make it more attractive for companies to stay in America.  Universal health care.  High-tech education.  Infrastructure needs.

Richardson:  Outsourcing is problem.  Upgrade science and math standards. It's education.  Fair trade agreements.  No slave labor, no child labor...environmental protection. Say to private sector, "what is it going to take to keep you here." Invest in high growth industries.

Edwards: I've seen it up close.  Saw it with mills my dad worked in closed. Devastating to community.  America's go to compete.  Trade agreements with real environmenttal and labor standards.  Eliminate all tax breaks for companies to take jobs overseas.

Obama: Devastation of steel plants that closed.  Trade agreements, tax breaks, education system, need to reinvest in communities burdened by globalization.

Kucinich: Grass growing in the parking lot.  Challenge my fellow candidates.  Cancel NAFTA and WTO (applause).  That's what we must do.  A Democratic Administration started NAFTA, a Democratic Administration will end it.

Biden's pissed off (The Grey Havens - 6/28/2007 10:26:26 PM)
His outrage is well deserved.  Nice to see some people with heart and spine in the public arena.

Darfur...unwillingness to end slaughter there. (Lowell - 6/28/2007 10:29:26 PM)
Dodd:  We have lost our moral authority due to Iraq.  But the US should be able to take some unilateral action to stop slaughter in Darfur.  Get out of Iraq.

Clinton:  Move the peacekeepers into Sudan as soon as possible. Airlift and logistical support.  No fly zone over Sudan...only way to get their attention (applause).

Biden:  Stop talking, start acting.  We have lost part of our moral authority because we have stood by and watched this carnage.  Should have imposed no fly zone two years ago, put American troops on the ground to stop the carnage.

Richardson: Use levers on China...fighting genocide more important than support.  No fly zone.  Economic sanctions.  Stop massive rapes.  Don't forget about Africa.

Edwards: No fly zone, security force on ground, sanctions, pressure on Chinese.  How do we reestablish ourselves as force for good in the world after Iraq.

Obama:  No fly zone important, protective force.  Can't just look at Africa AFTER crisis happens. What are we doing to pay attention to Africa.  Our long-term security depends on giving people in Sudan, etc. a stake.

Kucinich:  Time for US to stop looking at Africa as a place for our corporations to support people.  Stop giving Sudan a pass.

Gravel:  President has to have moral judgment. Most of the people on this stage do not have that.

Edwards and Obama Understand Africa (The Grey Havens - 6/28/2007 10:30:06 PM)
Edwards' aid positions and Obama's infrastructure play between them amount to true and powerful policy for Africa.

Kucinich zinger:  "If Sudan had oil, this adminstration would be occupying it right now."

Actually, Kucinich is wrong. (Lowell - 6/28/2007 10:33:38 PM)
Sudan has LOTS of oil, why do you think the Chinese are in there in such a big way?

I think... (elevandoski - 6/28/2007 11:05:11 PM)
1. Hillary Clinton - ditto on your comments
2. Dennis Kucinich - based on just this debate performance
3. Barack Obama - the audience responded well to him and it inspired him
4. Chris Dodd
5. John Edwards - didn't answer questions but spouted stats instead
6. Bill Richardson - incoherent is right especially with the AIDS question
7. Joe Biden 
8. Mike Gravel

Not a bad evaluation...Hillary definitely did the best...after that (SaveElmer - 6/28/2007 11:58:17 PM)
I would move Biden to 2nd, followed by Kucinich (even though I can't stand the guy), then Obama, Edwards, Dodd, Richardson...

Gravel is off his rocker so not really worth rating!

Hilliary continues to impress (Nick Stump - 6/29/2007 2:15:41 AM)
One would think this would be Obama's crowd.  He got big applause when he came on stage, but there was something very calculated about how he smiled and pointed to people in the crowd.  I know politicians do the same thing all the time, but there's an art to it and Obama's gestures toward the crowd looked fake.

I'm more and more impressed by Clinton every time there's a debate.  She seems confident, well prepared and very relaxed with the crowd.  The biggest applause line in the night was her comment about white women and Aids--a standing ovation.

I thought Edwards did well also.  His two Americas speech plays well to everyone and this audience was no exception. 

The more exposed I am to Obama, the less I care for him.  When he made his big speech at the convention, I was ready to jump on the Obama bandwagon.  But as time has passed I have lost a lot of my love for the guy.  I think he finished behlnd Clinton and Edwards tonight and is headed toward the back of the pack if he doesn't get his act together.  It's a shame really.  He has a fine mind and in the beginning, was very charismatic.  Now his charisma is on the wane and he's showing a big lack in gravitas--something Hillary has in bushel baskets. 

At the beginning of the campaign I would have said Hillary didn't have a chance in the long run.  I believe now, I was flat wrong in my assessment of her and I'm on the edge being convinced.  She's smart, tough and willing to stand up for herself. 

It's scary how similar our thinking is (Lowell - 6/29/2007 6:56:08 AM)
on this.  Am I channeling you or are you channeling me? :)

She seems confident, well prepared and very relaxed..... (Flipper - 6/29/2007 12:42:25 PM)
and with 51 percent negatives ratings, Hil is unelectable.  Why do we want to nominate another candidate (Hil) that the public does not like, haven't we done taht before - Mondale, Dukakis, Gore,'s the killings fields of presidential politics.  Presidential elections are about the future and if we nominate Hil, the 2008 election will turn into a discussion about White Water, Rose Law Firm billing records, travelgate, etc., etc., etc., etc.  We are going to lose an election we should win handsdown if Hil gets the nomination.

The latest polls I've seen indicate (Lowell - 6/29/2007 1:00:10 PM)
that Sen. Clinton leads McCain, Giuiliani, Romney and Thompson.  That doesn't sound "unelectable" to me.  Also, one of my favorite rules in politics applies here: NEVER underestimate a Clinton!

Source on the polls (Lowell - 6/29/2007 1:00:29 PM)
is here.