Iraq = South Korea ?

By: norman swingvoter
Published On: 6/3/2007 9:20:30 PM

I have been seeing references to bush, Iraq, and South Korea recently so here is some documentation.  Apparently bush has started thinking about handling Iraq like South Korea, where we have had troops 50 years. This tells me that come September, no matter what happens, bush will announce that there has been enough progress that we have to stay.
Asked if U.S. forces would be permanently stationed in Iraq, Snow said, "No, not necessarily." He said that the prospect of permanent U.S. bases in Iraq were "not necessarily the case, either."

Later, Snow said it was impossible to say if U.S. troops would remain in Iraq for some 50 years, as they have in South Korea. "I don't know," he said. "It is an unanswerable question. But I'm not making that suggestion. ... The war on terror is a long war."

