Issues Fair at George Mason University

By: Lowell
Published On: 6/3/2007 6:10:16 AM

I received the following from a friend who asked me to post it as a public service announcement.

On Saturday, June 9, there is an Issues Fair at the George Mason University Arlington campus.  This is an opportunity to network with other people who are volunteers or working for nonprofits interested in the social issues that matter to us -- affordable housing, clean air, alternative energy, social justice of all types, etc.

In my volunteer work I often come across people who say they cannot be political because they work for a nonprofit.  Not only is that not true, but it is a particularly perverse way to eliminate the voices of people who care about others, who want to work in community, and for whom money may not be the top priority.  We need these folks to participate in the public policy debates that should go on at every level of our government.

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about what nonprofits are legally allowed to do. That's the subject of our panel presentation at 10:30.  We have a great keynote speaker, Dr. Peter Edelman, who teaches at Georgetown University Law Center.  Other speakers on the panel are experts in the subject:  Liz Heagy of the Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest, and John Pomeranz, an attorney whose practice focuses on advising nonprofits about how they can be effective advocates without losing their tax exempt status.

This event is free and open to the public from 10:00 to 2:00 on Saturday, June 9.  I hope you will join us, and bring your friends!

Thanks!  More details on the fair are on the ACDC website.

Sounds interesting, something to check out if you have a chance.
