If We Don't Fight "Them" in Iraq, They'll Follow Us Over Here

By: Dianne
Published On: 6/2/2007 11:11:35 PM

While we are fighting the "terrorists" in a civil war in Iraq, it seems that the terrorists are right here in the United States at JFK airport. 

But lo and behold they are not from Iraq but from Guyana the Washington Post reports http://www.washingto....  The alleged terrorist plot to blow up aviation fuel tanks at JFK was broken up today, and four suspects were arrested.

This is just one more nail in the coffin that disproves the "theory" that all the terrorists Bush claims to be fighting are in Iraq!

You say, Mr. Bush, if we "cut and run" they'll follow us here.  Open your door, Mr. Bush, and peek out.  The terrorists are here right in your own backyard!


Richard Clarke called it the "puppy dog" theory (Catzmaw - 6/3/2007 10:43:28 AM)
of terrorist behavior, wherein terrorists follow "odd rules of chivalry" and adhere to a standard of "one slaughter ground at a time".  Put  Bush's 'puppy dog' terror theory to sleep.

Almost six years since 9/11 and Bush and the neocons still don't get it.  To go along with their wildly misnamed "global war on terror" it's necessary to assume some sort of hierarchical structure with terrorist leaders directing their minions to fight us where our forces are concentrated.  They still see this as a military campaign against military targets.  The most horrifying thing about this incident is that it, like the other recent incident, consists of self-appointed actors with no demonstrated ties to Al Qaeda who have decided to launch their own little war.  They're isolated cells who have sprung up on their own, inspired by radical clerics and internet web sites. 

We're going have terrorists no matter what (Nick Stump - 6/3/2007 7:22:29 PM)
What a ridiculous premise for an extended war in Iraq.  My buddy in Iraq tells me they have trouble digging water wells because every time they knock a hole in the ground over there, they hit oil. 

The largest unexplored oil deposits on the planet are there.  That's what we're fighting for. 

Anyone see Olbermann last night? (Dianne - 6/5/2007 8:42:06 AM)
Countdown had a great look at whether these homeland "terrorists" are even terrorists at all:  "The Nexus of Politics and Terror".  Olbermann presents an interesting and highly plausible position that terror reports from our government might just be politically motivated to cover up embarrassing moments in the Administration.  Was it reasonable to believe that "four guys dressed as pizza delivery men were going to outgun all the soldiers at Ft. Dix to the not-too-thought-out plan to blowup JFK airport..."?  http://www.msnbc.msn...