The Iraq War Drum Beat. Don't go silent!!!

By: Dianne
Published On: 5/21/2007 8:01:46 AM

I was catching up on reading other blogs and came across an excellent article that Anonymous Is A Woman wrote back on May 9th, "The War of Words About Iraq". http://anonymousisaw... It is an excellent and thoughtful read. 

To keep the discussion going, here are the start of questions we all should be asking, and our Congress and the Bush Administration answering: 

If we are to be "fighting" global terrorism for the forseeable future, then why are we wasting our military in a civil war in Iraq?

If there were a need to handle a disaster here in this country, will the National Guard be limited in its ability to respond since so many of our men, women, and military equipment are in Iraq? 

If a need arose for a military response somewhere in the world, could America provide the needed forces?

Other than the political unpopularity of it, should we have a conscription plan in place in case the above answers are negative?

I truly believe that those "in charge" know the answers to these questions but are refusing to bring the American public into the discussion.  This war long ago turned into a political war, while our sons and daughters sacrifice their blood, limbs and lives.  It is shameful.

These and so many more related questions need to be discussed with the American public so that they understand that the answers to the above questions might not be what they would like.  Although most Americans now do not support the war, the ability of the Congress to bring the discussion to the forefront (via a successful funding bill that will limit our presence in Iraq) has not happened.  So we need to keep discussing it here on RK and letting our representatives in Congress know that we want the truth and we want out. 


Iraq War Drumbeat (Dianne - 5/21/2007 11:39:40 AM)
There will not be a war "drumbeat" or serious debate on Iraq until hundreds of thousands march in protest in every major city in the U.S., and this will not happen.  The true in-depth reporting of the war, on a daily basis, is on cable, and a large audience for a CNN or HN or C-Span show is a million or so viewers.  The networks devote 40 to 60 second soundbites on the war, showing briefly some horror or other, then on to the Yankee-Red Sox game or Tiger's comback in this weeks $8 million tourney.  The taxes of the wealthier are low, the poor either don't have the the inclination or representation to scream, and the middle class (like me), without even children to use as a deduction, pay, after deductions, only some 11 to 14% of our gross income--not enough to bother us.  There is no draft, therefore no fear. To my mind, our only sacrifice in this war is the price we pay for gas (which could be alleviated by tapping the White House and Congress).  And, statistically, very, very few families are affected by troop casualties in Iraq.  Is it any wonder that apathy reigns, no matter how incensed we of the blogosphere become?

Even worse, now the election season is nigh.  Only a juicy sex scandal or soaring tragedy involving our soldiers will displace, say, Bay Buchanan, all over TV as she plugs her book psychoanalysing  Mrs Clinton, saying, as Rush and Hannity do, that Hillary, like all Democrats, has no core values, is mentally problemmatic, and will do and say anything to become (not president but) "leader of the free world."  Thank you Frank Luntz for the negativity of that wording. Well, Hillary, unlike Bush through his surragates, has not called her opponents' wives whores, drug addicts, mothers of illegimate babies (black, no less!), or implied McCain was a traitor because he might have given away secrets to his captors in the Hanoi Hilton, and so on.  Nor could I imagine Hillary going to South Carolina and, in fealty, kissing Pat Robertsons' (ahem) ring, as McCain did. And, as for core values,  remember that Hannity supported Arnold's run for candidate over an anti-abortion Republican congressman, telling his horrified listeners that they should vote in the primary for Arnold despite the fact that he (Sean) had said for years that the "murders of the unborn" is our number one major issue, and these murders must be stopped.  Hannity said that Arnold can and will win, unlike his pro-life opponent, and that "we'll change Arnold's mind on abortion later, by "Hannityzing" Arnold.  Imagine, this puffed of bag of hypocrisy telling his 16 million listeners, as Rush does to his 20 million, that the liberals have no core values and will say anything to win.  But, more horrifying, imagine their listeners who buy into this illogic and call C-Span the next day to repeat the trash talk.

So that's it.  So few affected by the war.  Many of those who have an interest swayed on every major issue by illogical hyperbole (but they are VOTERS, these Coulter readers, Bushies and dittoheads, rest assured on that).  And, finally, what if we finally had a real debate on Iraq (on the final night of Dancing With the Stars) and nobody came?


The above comment to my diary.... (Dianne - 5/21/2007 1:48:25 PM)
was written by my husband as his comment on the subject.  Thanks, hon!

great comments... (lgb30856 - 5/22/2007 3:05:38 PM)
just emailed jim webb to not give up on the iraq vote.