A Second Providence Candidates' Forum

By: Deborah Reyher
Published On: 5/19/2007 3:35:21 PM

[Update: The Forum will take place 5/31 from 7-9pm at the Thoreau Middle School in Vienna.  Supervisor Smyth on 5/23 said she had no time to participate, but the five sponsoring organizations will continue to encourage her attendance]

Just yesterday, Linda Smyth and Charlie Hall were invited to a second Candidates' Forum, this one sponsored by Vienna Little League, Vienna Youth Soccer, Vienna Babe Ruth League, Hunter Mill Defense League, North Gallows Coalition, and potentially other community groups. 

John Lovaas of The Connection has agreed to moderate, and the questioners will include Bill Flook of the DC Examiner and a couple of other local reporters.

Here is the text of the letter:

May 18, 2007

Linda Q. Smith
8739 Lee Highway [county office]
Fairfax, VA 22031

Charlie Hall
[home address redacted]
Fairfax, VA 22031

  Re: Democratic Primary Candidates' Forum for Providence District

Dear Ms. Smyth and Mr. Hall:

  The Vienna Little League welcomes the news that both of you have agreed to participate in a Democratic Primary Candidates' Forum on May 23rd for the Providence District Supervisor's seat. . We understand that this is to be held at the James Lee Community Center, which is at the far eastern end of the District, far from the Vienna sport leagues charter areas.  As you know, Providence District faces considerable challenges in the years ahead, including many that affect the interests and concerns of the youth sports community, including Vienna Little League.

  We thank you for participating in forum on the 23rd.  However, due to the geographical remoteness of the venue relative to our membership, many of our constituents will not attend the May 23 event. 

  Therefore, we invite you both to participate in a second forum, to be co-sponspored by the Vienna Little League, the Vienna Babe Ruth Baseball League, Vienna Youth Soccer, the Hunter Mill Defense League, and the North Gallows Road Coalition. This debate will be held at a location central to the area serviced by our groups so that League parents and other local residents will be able to attend. 

  We have obtained the agreement of John Lovaas of The Connection Newspapers to moderate the Forum, with the questions asked by local newspaper editors and political reporters.  The specific venue will be scheduled after we arrive at an agreed upon date.  The rules previously agreed to by both of you for the LWVFA forum will serve as a template for this forum, although there may be minor modifications based on the preferences of the sponsors.

  Given that the LWVFA debate is set for May 23rd and the primary election will be held on June 12th, we suggest May 29th, 30th or 31st as target dates for this second debate, subject to obtaining an appropriate venue and depending upon your respective schedules. 

  We ask that you contact [xxxxxxx], to advise whether you will accept this invitation, and if so, to discuss the date and other specifics.

  Thank you.

The sports community had a huge awakening last year regarding the consequences for their playing fields of development at MetroWest, Dunn Loring, Merrifield, and of course Tysons.  It will be good to have a second Candidates' Forum at a local venue where their membership can more readily participate.


Second candidates forum desperately needed! (BettyLou - 5/19/2007 11:22:40 PM)
The candidate forum next week that is being held near seven corners is incredibly inconvenient to me and I probably won't be able to make it. I usually have to work a little late and with the awful traffic (thanks Fairfax County Board of Supervisors) I'll never get there by 7:30.

I welcome a second forum that is more centrally located. Seven corners is almost in Arlington! Who picked that location?

Please make it happen!

John Lovass?!?! (Tunnel Supporter - 5/20/2007 12:09:31 PM)
"John Lovaas of The Connection has agreed to moderate, and the questioners will include Bill Flook of the DC Examiner and a couple of other local reporters."

The same John Lovass who just quit FCDC membership to work for a candidate running against Democrat Cathy Hudgins (Hunter Mill District) for the November election? 

While I agree that Supervisor candidates ought to have multiple debate forums, John Lovass has an agenda and he should not be allowed to moderate a political debate. 

I'm deeply sorry. (Tunnel Supporter - 5/20/2007 12:10:24 PM)
That should read Lovaas. 

Is this why the League in their original debate (Ronita Moni - 5/22/2007 1:09:52 AM)
proposal said that there should be three out of district League members moderating this debate?  Oh, but we just had to rip the League apart didn't we?


The candidate's party affiliation please? (Hiker Joe - 5/22/2007 1:15:47 PM)
What is the party affiliation of the candidate that Mr. Lovaas is purportedly supporting?

Moderator of second debate (HerbE - 5/22/2007 1:10:08 PM)
Having a person that is not a member of any political party and does not live in the Providence District would be a plus as a moderator of this debate. I see no problem here.

If people are clamoring for change, which is what I hear, and Smyth is calling for status quo, let both candidates justify their positions. The invitation states that the League rules will govern the forum, which means both candidates will have an opportunity to respond to every question.

John Lovaas is a skilled moderator and has the ability to keep a show moving forward. He is an excellent choice for this venue.

Lack of party affiliation is a good thing in this case (Hiker Joe - 5/22/2007 1:23:06 PM)
because Gerry Connolly is a vindictive bully.

If the moderator is not a member of the Democratic Party, then he cannot be threatened and initimdated by Connolly. Remember that Connolly tried to get Becky Cate kicked out of the party for running against his candidate Linda Smyth in 2003.