With Regards to the Death Of Jerry Falwell

By: DanG
Published On: 5/16/2007 1:16:46 AM

(Cross Posted From Donkey With a Trunk)

First off, let me say that I am disappointed at some of those in the Democratic blogosphere. It is never appropriate to celebrate the death of a man who wasn't a murderer or tyrant. As awful as Rev. Falwell seemed at times, he has family and friends who miss him sorely right now, and it would not be appropriate to rub his death in those faces with mocking words and callous tones. I understand there was much disgust for him in life. I rarely, if ever, found myself agreeing with his beliefs about government or his interpretations of Biblical Scripture. But that doesn't give us the right to feel anything but sorrow for his friends and family at the news of his demise.

Anyway, while both Falwell and myself profess to be Christians, I am not entirely convinced that we believed in the same God. Falwell's God was angry and vengeful. My God is loving and forgiving. Falwell's God was the God of Revelations whose wrath would soon destroy the wicked with fire and brimstone. My God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him should not have destruction but eternal life. Falwell's God hates liberals, feminists, and gays, and claimed that tragedies like 9/11 and Katrina were punishments from God. My God loves all his children unconditionally, and that 9/11 was a work of man, and Katrina was as horrible as it was because of an incompetant federal government (we've survived Category Five hurricanes before with less damage and destruction).

It is because of these differences that I find myself, suprisingly or not, praying for the soul of Jerry Falwell. I hope the God that he meets is more like my own vision, and shows more mercy, compassion, and acceptance than Rev. Falwell ever claimed he did in life. For no man is perfect, but a Compassionate God would know this and forgive man his imperfections. And while Jerry Falwell may have been convinced he was trying to do good, he certainly was a man of imperfections.


(Ghost of A.L. Philpott - 5/16/2007 9:28:08 AM)
I'm right there with you Dannyboy. I had a laundry list of disagreements with the man, but I do not condemn a dead man's soul or pretend I am the judge in the matter of the afterlife.  I find it completely sick that some are celebrating his death in such a manner.

Agreed. (Lowell - 5/16/2007 9:35:01 AM)

I hope he learns something (Rebecca - 5/16/2007 9:39:29 PM)
I hope in purgatory he learns how his philosophy and views caused harm. I think the first step for him would be humility.

Falwell not a murderer or a tyrant. I beg to differ. (Dianne - 5/20/2007 6:13:42 PM)
You've said that "It is never appropriate to celebrate the death of a man who wasn't a murderer or tyrant."  I actually think that Reverend Falwell through his sweeping and wide-spread bully pulpit probably generated many hate crimes, including murders.  Please take the time to read a homosexual minister's (Rev. Mel White) opionion that Falwell's rhetoric caused the death of many homosexuals.  http://newsbusters.o... and http://www.soulforce...

Jerry Falwell was a man that invoked incredible hate in others towards gays and lesbians.  He called Barney Frank a moral pervert.  Disgusting.

Let his legacy be the words he used in his life.