Top 25 List Why Not to Vote for Kilgore - #6

By: Lowell
Published On: 9/26/2005 1:00:00 AM

You know, we've been at this RaisingKaine thing for 8 months now, and we've collected a whole bunch of great material on Jerry Kilgore.  I was thinking that it might be a good idea to condense all the reasons NOT to vote for Jerry Kilgore into an easy-to-read "Top 25" list.  But then I thought, that's too many in one shot. So, instead, I've started listing a reason per day, counting down -- David Letterman style - to #1 in early October.  Anyway, here's reason #6!

6) Bob J. Perry of Houston, chief financier of the infamous "Swift Boat Veterans"  -- the group that slimed John Kerry's decorated Vietnam War service record during the 2004 Presidential campaign --  is a big contributor ($15,000 during 2005) to Jerry Kilgore's campaign.  According to Texans for Public Justice, Perry also has been "a primary funder of efforts to limit civil liability in Texas, contributing $415,000 to Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC, the state?s largest non-party political committee. "  Lovely company Jerry Kilgore keeps, huh?
