Del. Marshall Calls a Spade a Spade

By: Albo Must Go
Published On: 5/3/2007 11:56:22 PM

(Cross-posted at Albo Must Go)

This past session, Albo Must Go focused (just a little bit) on the flaws in the transportation plan rammed through the General Assembly by the House Republican leadership and our hero.

AMG, The Daily Press Sets Albo Straight
AMG, Albo & a Transportation "Stepchild"
AMG, The Albo & Oblon PLLC Abuser Fees Plan Part II
AMG, Albo Hammers Renters Again
AMG, Albo Brings SW Virginia It's Fair Share
AMG, Albo Kicks and Misses Wide Right

Today's Washington Post covers a growing dispute. It turns out that not everyone believes that the transportation monstrosity that completely jerry-rigs transportation funding might be short circuiting because it's not, well, legal.
It turns out that some people actually take issue with paying taxes that they or their elected government didn't authorize - something about taxation without representation, the Constitution of Virginia, and some "ancient" fundamental democratic concepts or something like that.

God forbid we bump the gas tax a bit or apply a sales tax to gas to raise some money. After all, ONLY 1/3rd of gas taxes are paid by out of staters and the remaining 2/3rds are paid by the entire in Virginia, not just us rich Northern Virginians. Republicans must think it's just better just to tax ONLY Northern Virginia some more.

So, what could possibly have motivated the House of Delegates to design this Frankenstein of a re-election.... uh, we mean um "transportation" plan that Del. Dave Albo worked so hard on?  Well, Republican Del. Bob Marshall sets the record straight:

Nonetheless, Marshall said, the deal giving the authority the power to tax was a political cop-out by fellow legislators who didn't want to vote for higher taxes and were worried that local elected leaders wouldn't raise local taxes.

"This whole thing was billed not as a transportation fix, but a way to get past this election without people criticizing them for sitting in traffic," Marshall said.
"Officials Challenge Legality of Northern Va. Panel's Power to Raise Taxes," The Washington Post, 5/4/07, B06.

AMG applauds Del. Marshall's honesty. We only wish that the 42nd district was represented by someone who understood the difference between honesty and leadership versus spin and political opportunism.


I disagree with a lot of what Bob Marshall stands for (Not Harry F. Byrd, Sr. - 5/4/2007 2:27:11 AM)
But I admire him for having the courage to stand upon principle on this issue while his entire party is busy doing everything it can to sell this legislation as something it isn't for their re-election.

Right (pitin - 5/4/2007 2:36:38 AM)
So are all you Democratic campaign staffers out there taking're gonna want to cite this article when your candidate debates that Republican opponent of yours.

And Hat-Tip to AMG for pointing this out.

Follow Loudoun closely (novamiddleman - 5/4/2007 9:50:08 AM)


For those not familiar (novamiddleman - 5/4/2007 9:52:33 AM)
It is rare for

Staton and Waters to agree on something so this investigation has legs

Loudoun County? (elevandoski - 5/4/2007 4:21:09 PM)
Do you mean the home of Senator Mark Herring???  The good looking guy who bravely voted against HB3202?  That Loudoun County?