President Bush Has lost All Sense of What He Has Wrought in The World

By: marshall adame
Published On: 4/28/2007 5:02:09 PM

President Bush Has lost All Sense of What He Has Wrought in The World

The Associated press reported today that President Bush warned Congress Friday that he will continue vetoing war spending bills as long as they contain a timetable for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. The President made clear that if Democrats insist on including timetables again, he will not hesitate to bring out his veto pen. Bush said "If they want to try again that which I've said is unacceptable, of course I won't accept it." Our president has lost touch with reality.
So then, if I understand the President correctly, he is saying that no matter how many more Americans and Iraqis are killed, tortured, maimed or otherwise effected, he will stay the course and continue using his Veto pen? How did he come to this moral wasteland?

No matter how many Americans want the war ended, or how greatly those who elected him to office want the U.S. out of Iraq, he will stay the course?

No matter how much of our national gross output is squandered in Iraq, he will stay the course?
In essence, no matter what America demands from this President, he will stay the course because the initiative to end the war is coming from the Democrats?!

Apparently what President Bush is doing is legal. It may well be within his authority to ignore, discount and virtually betray the American people, but I am seriously challenging the morality of our president.

I have, with much distress and dismay, come to the conclusion that this President has, as a direct result of 9/11, the Invasion of Iraq and the unbreakable bond of dependence he has with our Machiavellian Vice President, lost touch with reality as most of America perceives reality today.

The gravity of his actions are no longer discernable to our President. Until he comes to the realization of what he is causing, or until his time of office has expired, many more Americans and Iraqis will lose their lives and the world will remain the unstable powder keg he has helped to make it.

History will judge this President harshly, but that will not help my son Benjamin Adame who is scheduled for his second tour into Iraq next month along with many other wonderful, young American soldiers.

Today there is chaos in Iraq. When we leave there will be chaos still in Iraq for a time, but the beginning of the end of chaos in Iraq cannot happen until we leave Iraq.

Marshall is a Democratic candidate for Congress from the 3rd District of North Carolina.




I wish your son all the best (PM - 4/28/2007 5:14:20 PM)

I share your belief that our President is acting under some sort of mental cloud.  I don't think he was mentally strong to begin with.  I believe that his inaction upon hearing of the second plane hitting the WTC was an indication of his not being able to process seriously adverse news. 

I've heard the same opinion about the President's unbalanced mental state from many people whose opinions I value as objective.