Shrub's Idea of How to Spend Easter

By: KathyinBlacksburg
Published On: 4/5/2007 12:46:27 PM

So much for his asserted faith. Instead of practicing it, Bush spends his Easter break taunting Democrats, makin' stuff up, and sticking his finger in the collective eyeball of the Senate.

Bush has had a near daily rant falsely asserting that the troops won't be supported because of the Dems. It is he who plans to veto the bill, but never mind. Last year the Republican Congress took until June to settle on a funding bill. That never once provoked such a scurrilous series of denunciations. Furthermore, money (lots of it) is in the pipeline for the troops. Note also, the federal fiscal year begins in the fall, not July. Appropriations have been funded and later increased for the current fiscal year. But Bush has designs way beyond next year or even the one after that. Bush has no plans to leave Iraq, ever. And, to be honest, at least one Democratic candidate (Hillary Rodham Clinton) has plans for a permanent base there herself. Now that the public has literally laughed the prevaricating Bush off his Rose garden stage, he comes up with yet another reason we must capitulate: Israel.  But Israel is gaining nothing, and losing much, from the mess Bush is making in Iraq. 
Additionally, Bush has been bending the ear of any so-called journalist who'll scribe for him that Nancy Pelosi shouldn't be in Syria and that her going there defies him. "Defying White House, Pelosi meets with Assad," read the Roanoke Times headline).  He didn't share such an opinion when three Republican members of Congress had meetings with Syrian leaders recently. 

Furthermore, Pelosi doesn't defy him. She shows him as the irrelevant, incompetent, out-of-touch lame duck he really is. And, one Republican after another has said Bush is "all alone."  If Bush won't try to make peace in the Middle East, some one better. The Iraq Study Group and numerous experts believe the only way toward peace is to talk to all the parties concerned. Not Bush. Not until Syria "changes its behavior." Is this third grade or what? Perhaps Bush should change his behavior too.

All of Bush's nasty aggressiveness is bad enough, but there's more: Yesterday, the fibster-in-chief inserted the false linkage of Saddam to 9-11 once again. He made sure to once again falsely claim that Saddam was a threat to the US (before Bush invaded) as well. Does anyone listen to or believe this man any more?

And then there's the final touch: After the Senate rejected the funder of lying, defamatory creeps, Bush appoints Sam Fox, GOP fund raiser ($50,000 to the so-called "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" will buy a lot these days) as Ambassador to Belgium anyway. So there. The only trouble is, this is a country Bush is supposed to be running, not a bully's play-yard.


And Shrub's Dad Is Going to Front for Rev. Moon Again! (PM - 4/5/2007 2:23:15 PM)

Wonkette has the story and some good links, including the link to a bizarre Moon video:

The upshot, from Wonkette:

Former President George H. W. Bush will deliver the keynote address at a ceremony honoring the Washington Times' 25th birthday this May. Also appearing: Times founder the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who, you might remember, is the Messiah.

Remember the story about the 2004 Congressional reception for the Messiah? http://www.washingto...

  More than a dozen lawmakers attended a congressional reception this year honoring the Rev. Sun Myung Moon in which Moon declared himself the Messiah and said his teachings have helped Hitler and Stalin be "reborn as new persons."

At the March 23 ceremony in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) wore white gloves and carried a pillow holding an ornate crown that was placed on Moon's head. The Korean-born businessman and religious leader then delivered a long speech saying he was "sent to Earth . . . to save the world's six billion people. . . . Emperors, kings and presidents . . . have declared to all Heaven and Earth that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is none other than humanity's Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent."

Some other Moon beliefs:

During a sermon, Rev. Moon asked any Jews present to raise their hands. When they did, he told them to repent for having killed Jesus and went on to explain that it was as an indemnity for this that 6 million Jews died during the Holocaust.  Moon referred to gays as "dung-eating dogs" and stated that they will be "eliminated" by God.http://www.sourcewat...

Note: So far I've seen only Wonkette and the original source Fishbowl DC reporting this; the latter says it has a letter from the Washington Times president: http://www.mediabist...

So, Kathy, who do you think is crazier and/or more corrupt?  The old man or the shrub?

Hmmm..... a tough one... (KathyinBlacksburg - 4/5/2007 4:08:58 PM)
Most would probably say W.  Daddy's scratching Moon's back is ever so "rational."  What's a little celebrating among pols and their son's talking-point propaganda mogul.  But they may not remember the details of Iran Contra, the Daddy Bush diary cited in (special prosecutor) Lawrence E. Walsh's book Firewall, or the evidence cited by Kevin Phillips linking Daddy to the October Surprise.  (Think talking the Iranians out of releasing the US hostages until after the US election, so he and Ronnie would win in 1980).  So both stole a presidency, though W did more overtly by his chad, dumpster- or phony-felon-list dumping of more votes than the difference between he and Al in Florida.  And he has made the Supreme Court nearly his own personal play ground. Except for that pesky decision earlier this week on CO2 emissions.

Daddy had more justification for war against Iraq than W., who had zero.  W made a lot more apparent and blatantly stupid mistakes.  But having read Kevin Phillips' Dynasty, I think that the cronyism is a Daddy and Georgie equal opportunity corrupter.

You gotta "love" Daddy though.  He blubbered big crocodile tears, probably because of the terrible "injustice" that poor Jebbie's path to the White House is ruined. And W may have been so clumsy that he ruined Daddy's legacy of hegemony and crony capitalism as far as the future can see.  Oh, the tragedy....;-)

But let's be honest.  HW was a lousy president, in ways that were not all apparent and had to be covered up by W's reclassification of Daddy's papers.  But Sonny-Boy is the worst in US history.  Both were completely out of touch (HW didn't know what a scran-tron was.  W is out of touch, but on pretty much about everything. 

It's never been the same since Ari Fleisher left the White House.  He could actually make W. sound "smart" (in third person, of course).  I always said Bush's brain wasn't Karl Rove, but Ari Fleisher's mouth. 

Also thanks for reminding (KathyinBlacksburg - 4/5/2007 4:12:52 PM)
Thanks for reminding (not that I needed any) that the background of the owner of the Washington Times.  Can you believe people actually quote this so-called newspaper?