Kilgore Signs Gone Wild

By: Lowell
Published On: 9/11/2005 1:00:00 AM

A few days ago, the Kilgore campaign tried to make it look as if they were sending their sign money for Hurricane Katrina relief.  Specifically, Kilgore said:

We decided that rather than engage in yet another sign war that really doesn't decide anything for voters, we'd donate the money to help our Southern neighbors.  As a result of this decision to do the right thing, we're sending $5,000 to the hurricane victims of Hurricane Katrina.

However, over here at RaisingKaine, suspicious as we are about the Kilgore/Howell campaign's motives, some of us suspected that all Jerry was really doing was sending a token amount of money to look good in the press, while keeping up the sign wars.  For instance, check out this recent photo.  Does that look like Kilgore is putting any limit on his spending on signs?!?  Hmmm.

Perhaps, if Kilgore REALLY wanted to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina, he might consider putting his money where his mouth is instead of engaging in these absurd examples of "Kilgore signs gone wild!"
