Mayor Today, Scapegoat Tomorrow

By: Josh
Published On: 9/9/2005 1:00:00 AM' alt='Mayor Today, Scapegoat Tomorrow.' style="padding-right:10px" align=left />
George W. Bush is a failed executive.

His war plans failed.  His tax plans failed.  His security plans failed. 

He is weak in every respect.  Worst of all, he doesn't care.

We watched for days as New Orleans drowned.  Meanwhile, Mr. Bush ate cake, played guitar.

We watched him finally come and stage a visit to the disaster zone.  That visit halted relief efforts and caused we know not how many additional deaths.

There is some doubt as to who if anyone is responsible for increased power of hurricanes in recent years.  There is no doubt and there can be no doubt that before, during, and after Katrina, Mr. Bush and his allies failed the American people and especially the people of New Orleans.

However, this is the "don't blame me" PResidency.  When 9/11 happened, it was Bill Clinton's fault.  When they didn't find WMD in Iraq, the intelligence community was to blame.  When asked if he had ever made a mistake in his PResidency during the '04 debates with John Kerry, Bush couldn't think of a single one.

Mr. Bush isn't teflon, he's  gaseous.  What can possibly stick to him?

Mr. Bush hopes that nothing will ever stick to him.  His agents in the Whitewash House and his pundits across radio and TV will now move into complete flood mode trying to get a new message out.  It's the same message we always get:  "Don't blame us, it was the other guy."

This time, the target will be the Mayor of New Orleans, C. Ray Nagin.

Here's the process we'll see in the days ahead:

1.  Mr. Bush, Scott Mclellan, and all the rest will play the "time" card: "This isn't the time for finger pointing."
2.  Every right-wing pundit, and every administration official will find a thousand ways to point the finger at the victims, the Governor, and especially the Mayor.

Watch the bait and switch.  The levee is already broken on the next great flood.  This flood is a PR campaign to switch the blame away from the gaseous PResident who's never responsible for anything.

After that great flood will come the third great post-Katrina flood: a flood of dead bodies from New Orleans the likes of which Peacetime has never produced in this nation.
