Watching the Iraq war debate on Meet The Press

By: relawson
Published On: 3/18/2007 10:57:18 AM

I have come to the conclusion that both sides are correct in that the other side is wrong. 

Republicans say we must win the war in Iraq or else terrorists will claim victory and we will be fighting them here in America.  I think they are right.

Democrats say that we are now referees in a civil war that we will not be able to win.  I think they are also right.

In short, we have painted ourselves into a corner.  We being any politician who voted for the war (most currently serving).  Although George Bush and Republicans are holding the paint brushes, Democrats provided them with the paint.
What we see today are the results of serious mis-leadership in both parties.  Our government is broken.

The question I have isn't how we win in Iraq.  I am resigned to the conclusion that we won't and cannot win.  My question is how do we fix our government so that we don't find ourselves in this position again?

The mistakes and errors made in the buildup and implementation of this war are a result of our current political system.  They were driven by the media and a mass misinformation campaign.  And as most of us can recall, those of us who questioned this war before it started were "Dixie Chicked" and labeled terrorists. 

On behalf of those who prefer to think critically about issues despite the consequences, I have one thing to say "Told you so".  So what exactly will the people taking offense to that statement do?  Will they play politics as usual or do something to fix the problem?
