BREAKING: Libby Guilty On 4 Counts

By: drmontoya
Published On: 3/6/2007 1:17:17 PM

Scooter Libby

Verdict read at Noon Eastern.  Use this thread to cheer or lament.


Count 1 (Obstruction): GUILTY
Count 2 (Perjury): GUILTY
Count 3 (False Statement): NOT GUILTY
Count 4: GUILTY
Count 5: GUILTY

Guilty on 4 of 5.

(Judge) Reggie is going through each juror asking their verdict.

No reaction within the court room. AP Story


Poor Cheney (Matt H - 3/6/2007 1:24:57 PM)
This won't help his blood clot - poor little slob.

Man, it's only Tuesday! (phriendlyjaime - 3/6/2007 1:55:51 PM)
Between Coulter-Gate and Libby, the Reps are having a hell of a week, huh?

And the hearings on the firings of the DOJ officials (PM - 3/6/2007 5:07:49 PM)
I've been following this on TPM Muckraker.  http://www.tpmmuckra...  I am wondering whether we'll see some prosecutions arising out of this, including of Sen. Domenici.

who is taking bets (scarlatagal - 3/6/2007 2:33:10 PM)
on how fast Bush will pardon Libby?  I say its a done deal.

It's a done deal. (JPTERP - 3/6/2007 2:49:56 PM)
But it probably won't happen until Nov. 2008 after the election.

It might happen sooner, but not until the sentencing and appeals processes are finished.  Libby's attorneys will certainly attempt to drag these out for a long time.

That's the Silver Lining of an Appeal (Matt H - 3/6/2007 2:51:02 PM)
If the defense drags it out too long, a final resolution of the matter will not be until after Dubya leaves.

pardon me (Alice Marshall - 3/6/2007 11:28:32 PM)
but a US Presidential pardon has no standing in a war crimes tribunal

Fitzgerald may be done with Libby & Co., but the law isn't

Bad week for Rethugs (leftofcenter - 3/6/2007 3:10:54 PM)
Let's see, Libby QUILTY, Walter Reed in shambles, surge not working too well, Cheney almost dying TWICE in a week, prosecutors getting fired right and left.

Yup, I'd say it's a lousy week to be Dumbya.

And I couldn't be happier.

AMEN to that (scarlatagal - 3/6/2007 3:20:37 PM)
Just too bad that innocents suffer along with the thugs....

Does this seem a little Orwellian? (Rebecca - 3/6/2007 4:30:19 PM)
I thought the crime was the outing of Valerie Plame. This is like trying a guy who saw a bank robery for lying about when he saw the robbery, or lying about the weather on that day. The jury should be trying the bank robber, not the guy who heard about, talked about, or otherwise observed the crime. Of course justice was obstructed, but justice has not been completed. The robber of the bank should be tried and convicted. i.e. the source of the information about Plame should be tried. We know from Libby's testimony that others were involved.

And Fitzgerald says this is the end of investigation for now (PM - 3/6/2007 5:22:39 PM)

In a lengthy press conference with reporters after the announcement of four guilty verdicts, federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said that he did not expect the results of the trial of former White House advsier I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to result in further investigations or charges. He also promised "appropriate" support for any Congressional investigation that might follow the trial.

"I do not expect to file any further charges, the investigation was inactive prior to the trial," the Chicago-based federal attorney who led the prosecution said. "We're all going back to our day jobs."

However, Fitzgerald did concede "If new information comes to light, of course we'll do that."

A reporter prompted Fitzgerald on whether he would scale down his recommendations for a sentence if Libby were to offer more information to the prosecution that wasn't previously known.

"They can contact us," Fitzgerald responded of Libby and his attorneys.

Another reporter asked whether or not the prosecution would turn over sealed files from the grand jury investigation to a Congressional investigation. Fitzgerald gave a measured answer.

"If Congress does something or not, we are not going to predict that," he said. "We will do what's appropriate."

Fitzgerald said he and his prosecution team were on pins and needles as they waited for the jury to complete its deliberations.

"Of course I got worried. Lawyers are paid to worry, and some are paid more than others," he joked. "We just sit around worrying about things we have no control over."

But he said that there were no regrets about prosecuting the charges, and he described the trial as necessary because Libby told lies in the course of an important investigation.

"We could not walk away from that, it is inconceivable any prosecutor could walk away from that," he said.

He later added, "We cannot tolerate perjury...if you don't tell the truth, we cannot make the judicial system work."

Please just provide links. (Lowell - 3/6/2007 8:18:51 PM)
Please do NOT print whole articles or large swaths of whole articles.  Thank you.

So do Rove and Cheney go scot free? (PM - 3/6/2007 5:26:49 PM)
Here's what the one juror speaking to the press said:  http://www.rawstory....

"What are we doing with this guy? Where's Rove? Were are these other bad guys," he said. "It seemed like Libby was the fall guy."

He added, "Some jurors commented 'this sucks' for Libby."

According to Collins, the jury believed that the former White House aide was "tasked by Vice President Dick Cheney to talk to reporters" about Valerie Plame and her husband, former Ambassador Joe Wilson.

Hang him (pitin - 3/6/2007 7:27:29 PM)
I thought that used to be the punishment for treason, is it not still.

I'm not a proponent of the death penalty, but if there is ever  an appropriate time to use it, treason sure fits the bill.

I always thought that revealing the name of a covert CIA operative fit that bill too.

I'm just putting 2 and 2 together, and getting more then perjury.

the wacko radio folks (pvogel - 3/6/2007 7:53:00 PM)
they had a special talking memo this afternoon{Usually330am eastern)...

The main point is "that was not a crime"

Well, what the bushies did to my 27 year old niece is a crime!!!!!

Yeah, there is a great diary (phriendlyjaime - 3/6/2007 8:12:32 PM)
on Kos that debunks the Rush talking points and gives you tips for the right wingers tomorrow. 
