Jim Webb's Wikipedia Article

By: Neal2028
Published On: 2/20/2007 2:17:38 PM

I just thought I'd post this to get the attention of someone who knows the workings of Wikipedia better than I...

I think Jim Webb's Wikipedia page should be updated with his official Senate portrait, rather than the painting of him from his Reagan White House days.


I love that portrait... nt (Josh - 2/20/2007 2:36:14 PM)

I agree with Josh (thegools - 2/20/2007 2:52:05 PM)
That painting is very good, much better than the official Senate photo, though perhaps some of the other pics on the Senate website would be as good....such as the pics from the Foreign Relations meetings.

The portrait... (Neal2028 - 2/20/2007 3:05:38 PM)
The portrait is nice, but it's not extremely representative of him now.  He was probably in his 40's in that painting--he's 61 now.

The official Senate photograph would also be in standing with other Senators' articles.

It's not just the man... It's the legend (Josh - 2/20/2007 3:37:14 PM)
Look at the background and influences of that portrait and you will understand more of Webb's significance.

The color scheme is extremely modern, but the detail of the features is classical and refined.  There's an easy way about the subject, but the background detail carries immensity...

* A library of books, of which Webb himself is the author.
* A miniature of the Viet Nam Memorial statue, which is the only statue of an African-American on the National Mall, and which Webb himself championed through congress. (Webb's own combat boots were used to model the combat boots for the African-American figure)
* Webb's own command cluster from his dress uniform
*  The tie, is a family plaid, likely Webb's own family plaid (unconfirmed)
* Images of the combat troops who for whom Webb is the nation's greatest advocate.

How could a photo carry as much significance, or as great a sense of the potential of Virginia's Junior Senator.

One last observation (Josh - 2/20/2007 3:39:28 PM)
The lighting is bright, natural, and hopeful.

My thought is that the lighting itself comes from Ronald Reagan's "Shining City on the Hill".  Although I've always imagined that lighting a bit cooler and chrystalline.

Okay... (Neal2028 - 2/20/2007 8:37:36 PM)
Jim Webb is a great guy, but he doesn't walk on water.  I voted for him, and I'm very glad he won, but, at the end of the day, he's no more important than the other 99 Senators.  But that's beside the point.  I think to bring his article into line with the other Senators' pages, it should be the official picture.  Keep the portrait prominently displayed, just not as his main picture.  Keep in mind it was painted in the 1980's, and frankly, it bears little resemblence to him.

Sen. Webb's wikipedia (drmontoya - 2/20/2007 4:12:31 PM)
I tried to change the picture before, and it always gets deleted. Then again, I am not a big wikipedia expert although I frequently use it to find information!