Why America Needs Wes Clark

By: drmontoya
Published On: 2/19/2007 12:16:29 PM

Cross Posted At Daily Kos

Today is President's Day.

Today, I think about all of those Leaders in our history as a nation and what they did for our country.

We have had military leaders like George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses Grant, and Ike Eisenhower.

We have also has non-military leaders govern our country during war. Leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, & Franklin D. Roosevelt.

I believe in a time of great domestic and international crisis we turn to a leader once again who is experienced in matters of war, peace, and diplomacy.

That person is Wes Clark. And I will explain why.
I agree with most Clarkies, when they say Wes Clark doesn't need to be President but America needs him to be President.

Wes Clark is a person who didn't grow up with wealth, he was born in Chicago and raised in Little Rock. His mother was a secretary, his dad died when he was a child. His step-father who carried on for his father, worked in a bank.

Wes Clark was both a intellect and a jock. In high school he was part of the first Calculus club at Hall High School, he was also the Class Valedictorian. Along with being the Valedictorian, he led his high school swim team to the state championship.

After High School, at 17 in 1962 he decided to enter the United States Military Academy (West Point) and after graduating and being commissioned as a n Army officer in 1966 he served in the U.S. Army for 34 years.

During Wes Clark's military career, he showed his heroism in the battlefield in Vietnam winning the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and the Purple Heart. Later, when he became a General he led a campaign to end genocide in Kosovo and did so without the loss of a single American life.

An Army Ranger, an infantry officer, and also a diplomat.

During his tenure as NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, the same office that General Ike Eisenhower first held he met with many leaders of foreign nations holding NATO and the Atlantic Alliance together.

Wes Clark has not only been honored with distinguished military decorations but also with many foreign honors as well. He was knighted by the Queen of England, among many different awards from several countries that span the globe.

In 2000, he retired from the U.S. Army and got involved in the private sector. First as a businessman, then as a candidate.

In late 2003, Wes Clark entered the race for the 2004 Democratic Nomination for President. Although it was short, he became a name and a force thereafter since then being the leading voice on military and foreign policy issues for the Democratic Party.

In 2006 according to the DSCC Wes Clark was the most requested surrogate speaker for Democratic candidates running for office.

He stumped for Jim Webb, Joe Sestak, and among others he also was the only potential Presidential candidate to stump for Jon Tester.

I believe we have many different candidates that will bring important issues to the forefront in today's difficult world.

Whether it's John Edwards and his work in fighting poverty. Or Barack Obama and his quest in bringing unity back to politics. Hillary Clinton and her long time commitment on National Health Care. Bill Richardson and his strong commitment to have a better foreign policy dialogue.

I believe Wes Clark can do all of those things, and more. He's been a leader in the military one of the most socialistic places in American society. He's been the executive for schools, hospitals, and so many domestic priorities. He's been a military leader, a diplomat, a uniter.

You can't be a successful military leader unless you are an all around individual, Wes Clark is that and more.

Wes Clark has also encourage other military veterans and reservists to take that bold step and run for office. Wes Clark can also bring military leaders back to Congress. He can make sure for certain that we never, ever go to war again without asking tough questions.

In a time that we live in right now, a person who cares about all the issues we care about. A person who has proven he can deliver. A person who  can unite our party and our country.

A person, who can bring back all the "Reagan Democrats".

We need a President like that, we need a President who can fill that void in leadership we so desperately need.

We all have our candidates, we all will disagree on the issues but I ask you this President's day to take a closer look at Wes Clark.

I have a feeling Wes Clark will be on the ticket in 2008, I just hope and pray as a party we give him the opportunity to do so at the top.

I believe our party and our country deserve no less.


Happy President's Day! (drmontoya - 2/19/2007 12:17:50 PM)
I declined to put this on the front page because I think every candidate deserves a fair shot. So although I support Clark I am happy and delighted whoever you decide to support!

I've got one question for you. (Lowell - 2/19/2007 12:50:14 PM)
And it's the same ol', same ol': is Clark running or not?  If so, when's he going to formally file his paperwork and start raising $$$?

I'm not as optimistic as I once was (Chris Guy - 2/20/2007 12:03:08 AM)
Neither is Chris Bowers for that matter. He makes some interesting points. http://www.mydd.com/...

People are quick to point out that Clark didn't get in last time until the Fall, same with Bill Clinton in '92. In those years people jumped in late because it was still wide open. This is NOT 1991 or 2003.

? (DukieDem - 2/19/2007 1:27:25 PM)
Are you sure he was the most requested candidate by the DSCC? I find that very hard to beleive.

He was the most requested Democratic leader (vadem - 2/20/2007 12:27:50 AM)
Requested by more Democrats and Democratic committees than any other Democratic leader, former or potential candidate.  In fact, he's the ONLY candidate that Jon Tester and the Montana Dems invited to campaign for him there. Wes Clark can go to any state--red, blue or purple-and be a hit with the crowds.  Just had a very successful 4 stop trip through Alabama. 

All his visits on behalf of Democratic candidates and local or state committees are documented on www.securingamerica.com. 

Grant was a horrible President, by the way (DanG - 2/19/2007 4:54:12 PM)
Shouldn't include him amongst greats like Washington, Jackson, and Eisenhower when discussing why you like Clark.  Just some constructive criticism :)

Grant was a great general and wrote great memoirs (Lowell - 2/19/2007 5:32:56 PM)
But you're right, as a President he left much to be desired...

You forgot to mention that after West Point (Catzmaw - 2/19/2007 11:44:47 PM)
he attended Oxford Unversity on a Rhodes Scholarship and took a Masters degree in Economics, then went to Ranger School and joined the 82nd Airborne, then went to Vietnam.  Quite the soldier/scholar.

To repeat: Supporting Clark until he says he's not running... (cycle12 - 2/20/2007 3:41:48 AM)
Agreed; he needs to make a statement, soon.

We don't need a repeat of 2003/2004...
