Washington Post Columnist: Tysons Tunnel "An Easy Call"; Tim Kaine Can be a "Hero"

By: Lowell
Published On: 2/17/2007 8:41:19 AM

In my opinion, Roger K. Lewis - a practicing architect and a professor emeritus of architecture at the University of Maryland - writes one of the best columns in the Washington Post.  This week, Lewis, who is also an expert at urban planning and "smart growth," addresses the Tysons Metro tunnel issue, coming down squarely and forcefully in favor of the tunnel. 

According to Lewis, "A tunnel could be built more quickly and at a lower cost than an elevated line, would be less expensive to maintain, and would be environmentally and aesthetically superior."  In other words, it's a "no brainer."

Politically, Lewis has this to say:

Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) has an opportunity that's rare for political leaders: He can change his mind and become a hero.

As if that's not enough, "Northern Virginia voters overwhelmingly favor the tunnel option, as does an independent panel of professional engineers."

For all those reasons, Lewis concludes that "For the governor, putting the tunnel back into play is not only a wise decision, it's an easy call."

I couldn't agree more.  The Tysons Metro tunnel: it's not OVER until it's UNDER!


Advantage: tunnel (Andrea Chamblee - 2/17/2007 2:01:05 PM)
According to the article, advantages include:
*  The total cost of the tunnel
*  The tunnel's "life-cycle costs" (maintenance) about $5 million per year.
* The tunnel's lifespan, potentially twice that of an aerial structure.
* Construction time, about six months more quickly than the aerial structure
* Disruption - tunneling avoids the need to move utilities or reconstruct roads, severe traffic congestion exacerbated by construction trucks continually rolling through the heart of Tysons, along with construction noise and increased air pollution.
* No permanent changes to the character of the area.
And finally, obsolescence.  "Why build something that we will want to tear down a few decades from now?"

Now Gov. Kaine needs your support over the pressure of Tom Davis to cow-tow to Bechtel, which has the no-bid contract for the aerial plan, and which is a big contributor to the campaigns for wife in 2007 and him next year.

shocker (littlepunk - 2/19/2007 12:40:49 AM)
andrea can't go a post without bashing davis.

maybe if andrea had done her research correctly, she would know that bechtel made the no-bid contract with the state, and the state has complete control over how to bid the project.  davis et al are completely out of the loop on that one.  nice try.

If Davis has no influence, why did he threaten Kaine? (Andrea Chamblee - 2/21/2007 1:02:55 AM)
Why is he even in Richmond with Frank Wolf? Why is he writing letters to the contracting approvers? I guess there's nothing in DC that needs investigating, like the past 4 years of deterioration at Walter Reed Hospital.