Janet Oleszek Blasts Ken Cuccinelli

By: Lowell
Published On: 2/14/2007 9:57:28 PM

Earlier today, Janet Oleszek, running for the Democratic nomination in the 37th State Senate district, blasted incumbent Ken Cuccinelli (R-Cuckoosville) for breaking his word:

Today Senator Ken Cuccinelli voted on the floor of the Senate for the Transportation Committee substitute to the House of Delegates transportation bill.

In that substitute, numerous new tax increases were proposed.  This breaks the ATR (Americans for Tax Reform) pledge that Senator Cuccinelli has signed and trumpeted.

According to Oleszek, "If Senator Ken Cuccinelli cannot keep this pledge, it's clear the voters can not trust him on anything."

C'mon, Janet, don't you think that's a bit harsh?  I mean, everyone knows we can trust Ken Cuccinelli, as long as it has something to do with hamster and cock fighting, that is.  Ha.


Go, Janet! (Teddy - 2/15/2007 9:40:05 AM)
What is Ken's record in this Assembly session over-all? He usually gets tangled up in various right wing nut pieces of legislation. Inquiring minds wonder.