The Other One Bites the Dust

By: Chris Guy
Published On: 2/13/2007 10:37:55 PM

Melissa McEwan of Shakespeare's Sister made it two for two with the announcement of her resignation from the Edwards campaign this evening.
I would like to make very clear that the campaign did not push me out, nor was my resignation the back-end of some arrangement made last week. This was a decision I made, with the campaign's reluctant support, because my remaining the focus of sustained ideological attacks was inevitably making me a liability to the campaign, and making me increasingly uncomfortable with my and my family's level of exposure.
For more on this and related issues click here for a beautiful rant from Chris Bowers at MyDD written today before Melissa's resignation.


This is serious (mr science - 2/13/2007 11:36:24 PM)
Chris Bowers' follow up is awesome.

Also earlier at dkos from Kargo X. Other Democratic campaigns were pressured to join the chorus against Edwards.

Never Saying You're Sorry? (AnonymousIsAWoman - 2/14/2007 6:06:54 PM)
Um, and how often did we say that George Allen could have ended the Maccacca moments by simply apologizing?  And how many of us want Hillary Clinton to admit - and apologize - for her vote to authorize going into Iraq?

It is a case by case thing.  No we shouldn't be intimidated into apologizing to every disgruntled rightwing nutcase - yes, I mean Michelle Malkin - but sometimes an apology does end a goof that should be apologized for. 

I also think conflating Barack Obama's statement about the wasted resources and lives with the kerfuffle over the two bloggers is like comparing apples and oranges.  They are two separate and different issues.

Obama had nothing to apologize for and somebody does need to stand up to Malkin.  Somebody also needs to stand up to Donahue, but for the right thing.  And those two bloggers wasn't it.

A singular problem (mr science - 2/14/2007 6:28:34 PM)
Apologizing if fine when its appropriate and when its sincere. In this case and with Obama, there was nothing to apologize for. I've written about this on other threads plenty.

There is a fake outrage machine that is aimed at Democrats and it never runs out of ammo. This problem is an organized effort and it comes from the right wing establishment. Each separate case needs to hit back hard and without haste. But more importantly, this larger "attack machine" needs to be addressed as a singular issue in a comprehensive way. Democrats are going to have to organize themselves around this and go on the offense. If they don't they are constantly going to be scattered and on the defensive.