Horny Astronauts and Anna Nicole

By: Dan
Published On: 2/8/2007 11:28:01 PM

Another news day, another distraction.  Sure it is always interesting to people when a brilliant woman, who broke new ground at NASA breaks down and wears diapers on a non-stop drive to kidnap a woman dating the man she is obsessed with.  Sure it is interesting when an overexposed former supermodel dies due to whatever drug use she accumulated over the last two decades.  However, we have some more important issues to deal with.
What are these issues, you ask? 

Iraq?  Of course. 

Rising economic inequality?  Sure.

Scooter Libby's lawyers trying to challenge the credibility of the most respected journalist in America?  Why not?

Neglected Issues
Aside from these stories, there are several issues where important news has recently come out that have been underexplored and the press should start discussing. 

For example, alternative energy.

The President has continued to insist on firing dozens of scientists and renewable energy experts this year as part of his "budget cuts"

Can't the press ask why our President is doing this when it is in direct contradiction with his stated goals?

While climate change has been upgraded as a major threat to civilization, new coal plants are being proposed all over the USA.

Can't the press raise the red flag?

There are now efforts to sell 100 million flourescent light bulbs in 2007 that can save $3 billion for U.S. consumers over five years.  There are also efforts to develop radical new technologies to expand the use of fuel cells, solar power, wind energy, and geothermal energy.  In fact, one of the largest solar power plants in the world is scheduled to be online in Nevada in a few months. 

Any press discussing these landmark breakthroughs and encouraging educators to include alternative energy in their curriculum?

How about health issues?

In 2007, as many as 300 thousand children will be born in America with autism.

Can't the press demand answers to why this is happening and what we can do to stop it?

Health care rates are skyrocketing, and Medicare is at risk of going bankrupt by 2017.

Isn't the press interested in alerting the tens of millions of baby boomers about this impending crisis?

Now, you may say that people aren't interested in these issues today.  Perhaps that is true.  However, they will be when energy prices double - again.  When they see more mentally challenged children cause a meltdown in our educational system.  When your mother and father declare bankruptcy after their medical bills cannot be paid.  Then people will ask, "where was the press to alert us?"

Just something to think about when you read about some dead model and a woman who achieved so much in a male-dominated profession and then broke down when it was all taken from her. 

That is my say to all of you back in Virginia.  From Nevada, this is Dan, signing off.
