Ice on the Potomac

By: demnan
Published On: 2/6/2007 4:37:03 PM

Just a few days ago I could look out my cubicle window and see flowing water as the Potomac River gently lapped by.  I was getting a little bit hopeful about the Levin/Warner Resolution in the Senate.  Now the Potomac  is iced over, so is the Senate resolution on the Iraq war.  As Senator Webb (still enjoy saying that) said:

"Winston Churchill once wrote about watching good ideas getting nibbled to death by ducks.  Last night, we saw that phenomenon in action.  We had before us a measure that would allow this Congress to speak clearly of its concerns regarding the woeful lack of leadership by the President on an issue that affects our nation and our military people like no other.  And the other side - including some Senators who had helped to draft the resolution, and had put their names on it - punted the ball down field, rather than giving the people of this country the debate they not only need, but are calling for in every public opinion poll."

Senator Webb was referring to the other Virginia Senator:  Mr. Warner punted.

We are going to have to reach out to the Republicans.  There is no way around it.  If we want an end to the Iraq war (and not a start to the increasingly likely Iran war), we are going to have to convince them somehow to stop the monsters in the White House.  There must be a way to do this.  We have no choice.

When a local group of activists started the 11th Congressional District Impeachment Committee, I still wasn't getting this, but others in the group were.  We have a devoted activist in the group who has personally gone to Tom Davis (our Republican Representative) and implored him to stop the war.  Did it do any good?  Not yet, but she keeps on trying, and we will be trying to get our Congressman's attention.

I'm also going to sit down and write to Senator Warner tonight.  I had thanked him for writing his resolution, he deserves to hear from me on this.  So I implore everyone to do the same.  It is now convince a Republican time.  We're desperate, we have no choice.
