Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay-Rights Rudy Giulani Files for President

By: Lowell
Published On: 2/6/2007 9:46:14 AM

Well, this should certainly be interesting.  Personally, I'd love to see Rudy Giuliani get the Republican nomination for President in 2008.  For one thing, it would indicate that the Republican Party isn't made up only of back-to-the-stone-ages, flat-earth, Bob Marshall/Ken Cuccinelli wingnuts.  Even better, a Giuliani candidacy would almost certainly splinter the Republican Party, causing a full-scale revolt of the "American Theocracy" wing.  Either way, it's probably good news.  Oh, it's also good news that Hillary Clinton leads Giuilani in New York State by a 53%-32% margin.  Let's face it, if Rudy can't make it there, he can't make it anywhere. :)

P.S. Yes, that picture is of Rudy Giuilani, and I'd say he looks pretty darned good, don't you think?  Ha.


Worth a thousand words (Hugo Estrada - 2/6/2007 10:31:03 AM)
Think about this scenario: Giuliani gets the Republican nomination.

Theocrats then campaign against Giuliani using this photo and stressing his pro-gay ideas. They can throw their support to a theocratic third party candidate...

Hmm, unless he McCainizes himself by pandering to the religious right and the most conservative elements of the party, he will probably not win in the primaries then :(

Record Numbers for the Constitution Party (DanG - 2/6/2007 10:59:32 AM)
I can't imagine, however, that Giuliani will win a primary in the Republican Party.  If the Dems weren't having a primary, then maybe he'd have a shot as Democrats and Indies went over to vote in the GOP for those states that allow Open Primaries.  However, the fact is that Indies are going to be pretty evenly divided between Dems and GOP, and there will be very little cross-over.

Put your money on McCain.

On NBC News last night (Chris Guy - 2/6/2007 10:34:49 AM)
they said that Rudy does well against the leading Democratic candidates in recent polls.

I guess 'well' is now another word for 'losing'.

He does do well (DanG - 2/6/2007 11:00:37 AM)
He'd be by far the most dangerous candidate.  He's a true moderate Republican that appeals to Independents (who we tend to rely on).  Of course, that's not appealing to some on the far right.

He's trailing in every poll (Chris Guy - 2/6/2007 11:33:59 AM)
32% in New York? What the heck is that?

He does look good... (JD - 2/6/2007 11:20:01 AM)
I'm not sure what the purpose of that photo is, but I bristle at the idea that you might be making fun of him for dressing in drag.  We can leave that to the wingnuts.  The day that the Dems use this photo against him is the day that I consider voting for him.

and another thing (JD - 2/6/2007 11:26:45 AM)
I realize that we're all very political here, but personally, it means a lot to me to have a presidential candidate with a photo like that.  Its very affirming.  Granted, the religious right will hate it, but are we pulling for the religious right aganst the center?

JD (Chris Guy - 2/6/2007 11:39:24 AM)
Lowell is mocking him because Giuliani is aggresively courting the religious right as we speak. This "moderate" Republican campaigned for Ralph Reed in Georgia last year. He campaigned for a man who thinks ONLY born-again christians should serve in public office.

It's called, hypocrisy. Nobody on this blog cares that Rudy has a sense of humor. We care that he's a two-face who will do or say anything to get elected.

Thanks Chris. (Lowell - 2/6/2007 11:46:09 AM)
It's amazing how, after two years of doing this blog, people still don't know that I'm about as against gay bashing as you can be.  In fact, I'm against ANY form of discrimination - gays, lesbians, Muslims, immigrants, you name it. What I am NOT for, however, is people like Rudy Giuliani who is pro-gay-rights, dresses in drag, etc., yet is part of the American Theocracy Party of homophobic, right-wing reactionaries.  I hope that clears it up for "JD."

P.S.  Rudy really does look great in drag, much better than he looks out of drag, dontcha think?  :)

Dear Lowell: (JD - 2/6/2007 6:05:40 PM)
I wasn't calling you homophobic and I'm sorry if you took it that way.  I read this blog often enough to know most of your opinions and your good work and I appreciate everything you do.  Please don't take my dissent personally.

My diff. was with jumping at the opportunity to take a jab at Giuliani rather than commending him for the things he does right.  Its something that happens here occasionally, such as when we were criticizing Allen for giving money to something related to providing abortions.  I merely like to inject into the conversation a reminder of our principles, when political oneupmanship might cause us to forget. 

I understand that Giuliani is hypocritical in some ways, but, first, that didn't seem to be the point of the original post - which said nothing of hypocrisy.  Second, it seems just as hypocritical to lend any credibility at all to the theocrats by revelling in their pending crucifixion of Giuliani.  Third, while Giuliani apparently courts some bad eggs, and this is a question, has he sworn off his pro-choice and pro-gay-rights positions?  I don't believe so.  So, for a politician, he's really not THAT hypocritical, is he?

Lowell, I understand why you would react rather strongly if you thought I was calling you a bigot, but I was only trying to inject another point of view.  Please don't be cross at me.  This is an open forum and I've seen much, much more obnoxious and less carefully worded posts. 

btw, you can call me JD.  It really is my name, no quotes necessary!

No problem, JD. (Lowell - 2/7/2007 4:22:30 PM)
Thanks for clearing that up, and sorry if I assumed that you were accusing me of anti-gay bigotry.  Now, for a good laugh on this subject, click here.  Ha. :)

Polls (Malcontent - 2/15/2007 5:30:49 PM)
Wow, thanks for the civics lesson!  I didn't know that Hillary had to worry only about one liberal state to be elected president.  I guess now I can quit paying attention to all of those pesky nationwide polls that show Rudy in the lead.