Pat Robertson Logic...and Jerry Kilgore

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/25/2005 1:00:00 AM

If you haven't heard by now, Pat Robertson apologized yesterday for arguing that the United States should assassinate the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez.  Apparently, he "spoke in frustration" at the fact that we "accommodate the man who thinks the U.S. is out to kill him."

OK, let's get this straight.  Pat Robertson thinks that we should pre-emptively assassinate the leader of a foreign country because that leader fears we might have plans to assassinate him?  Hmm.  By that reasoning, if another country thinks we're going to invade it, we should just go ahead and invade it.  If my neighbor thinks I'm going to steal something from him, I should just get it over with and steal something from him!  If a friend thinks I lust after his wife, I should run right out and commit adultery with her!  Or something like that.  Who knows what's right or wrong in the wacky world of Pat Robertson?

OK, so Pat Robertson's a little, eh, "eccentric."  Yeah, that's the word!  But what about his close political allies, like Jerry Kilgore?  How come we don't see them condemning Pat Robertson, who has given nearly $600,000 to Republicans -- including over $60,000 to Jerry Kilgore -- over the years?  I can guarantee you that if Michael Moore donated to Tim Kaine, we'd hear about it - endlessly!  But Pat Robertson, who has said that "God Almighty does not hear the prayer of a Jew," who agreed wholeheartedly with Jerry Falwell's charge that ?feminists?gays and lesbians? made 9/11 happen, and who asserted that ?out-of-control federal judges are the most serious threat to America?s survival in its history ? more dangerous even than Islamic terrorism, Nazi Germany and the Civil War??  Let's get this straight: Pat Robertson can give hundreds of thousands of dollars to Republican candidates, including Jerry Kilgore, then make crazy and bigoted remarks, yet those candidates never have to disavow the guy or return his money?  What's the deal with that?

By the way, Robertson's "apology" for advocating assassination wasn't much of an apology, since he later repeated his thoughts that it would be "wiser to wage war against one person rather than finding ourselves down the road locked in a bitter struggle with a whole nation."  Wonderful.  So, I ask again, when is Jerry Kiglore going to condemn Pat Robertson and tell him: "I don't want your money, Pat  -- frankly, you embarrass me!"  Should we all keep holding our breaths?


Some how Pat Robetso (Jen Little - 4/4/2006 11:27:53 PM)
Some how Pat Robetson of ALL people has provided a separation of Church and State.

Pat has managed to separate himself from both Church and State.