Was That So Hard?

By: Lowell
Published On: 2/3/2007 7:20:15 AM

According to today's Washington Post:

The House of Delegates unanimously approved a resolution Friday expressing "profound regret" for Virginia's role in the slave trade, a significant act of contrition by a body that used to start the day with a salute that symbolized the state's Confederate heritage.


The statement also condemns the "egregious wrongs" that European settlers inflicted on Native Americans.

I'm kind of surprised this passed unanimously, with even Frank "Get Over It" Hargrove voting "aye," but it's a pleasant surprise.  Now, was that SO hard?

P.S. The following 9 delegates didn't vote on the resolution: Hogan (R), Hugo (R), Ingram (R), Johnson (D), Reid (R), Spruill (D), Valentine (D), Ware, R.L. (R), Wright (R).


We'll let at least a couple of the 9 slide. (Neal2028 - 2/3/2007 3:21:53 PM)
Joe Johnson probably had a pretty good excuse not to vote.