Town Hall Meeting with Tim Kaine

By: Teddy
Published On: 8/24/2005 1:00:00 AM

On Monday night, I attended my second town meeting with Tim Kaine, listening and watching Tim meet and mingle with his fellow Virginians here in Northern Virginia.  This meeting was dynamite, even better than the one a few weeks ago in Prince William; I suppose practice makes perfect!  This time the place was completely jammed, standing room only, with a cross-section of modern America in attendance - all colors, all types of dress, etc.  In other words, completely unlike various Kilgore functions which are, like Bush?s, carefully screened.

Tim presented a well-done video/slide show, mostly about education. It seemed a little long to me, maybe because I currently have no kids in schools, but the audience was surprisingly engaged, listening intently, laughing or groaning where appropriate.

Since I have not been graced recently with an invitation to one of Jerry Kilgore?s special events, I have no recent comparison, but I?d say on the face of it Kaine clearly isn?t afraid of The People, like a certain opponent of his.  At the event Monday night, Tim fielded numerous questions about his insightful and encouraging plans for education? the pre-school initiative, a new university for Southside, and more.  The questions weren?t always softballs either, including one challenging him on ?how much will pre-school cost, and how are you going to pay for it??  Another questioner asked, ?what can you do to control VDOT and solve our transportation gridlock??  Most folks were impressed with his answers, even if they weren?t always quite what they wanted to hear.

Some of the more interesting interactions came in the brief post-meeting period when people lined up to confront him face-to-face. One persistent and seemingly embittered African American woman insisted that Kaine had had an opportunity as Mayor of Richmond to do a lot more than he had done for black inner city children and the crime rate. Tim handled it well,
giving her stats and information, but she was one of those who asks a question and then interrupts the answer, so I don?t know how much got through.  My guess is that we'll hear more of this criticism during the campaign, as Republicans attack Tim?s strong business and political record.

One frustrated canvasser, clutching her clip board, asked Tim for ?a 30-second, compelling statement of what you stand for,? that she could spout when she knocked on a door. Now, that is a very good question, because Tim has terrific policies and programs but they are not always succinctly presented.  And one thing I learned at that Boot Camp I attended was to get your ?elevator speech? down pat.  Kaine gave her a 50-second answer.

Frankly, I think that Tim could have done better, and I thought about it myself on the way home. I know that Tim insists on a positive approach, but, when I talk with people (when I can? most don?t want to listen), it?s along the lines of ?Jim Gilmore darned near ruined our state, Mark Warner and Tim Kaine pulled us back from the brink, turning us into the best-administered state in the country; Kaine will build on that success, moving Virginia forward. His opponent, Kilgore, says he wants to turn back the clock and undo everything good Warner-Kaine accomplished. That?s why I support Tim Kaine. For Virginia?s Future.? 

What 30-second statement can you all come up with? I challenge you.

As I left the meeting I saw a plump, coifed woman gun the motor on her nice new car and sail out of the parking lot, nose in the air... everything about her, including the numerous Kilgore/Bolling/McDonnell bumper stickers, proclaimed her a self-righteous conservative. I guess she was the one at the entrance, passing out those "made in China" de-coder rings that Jerry Kilgore uses to warn voters about Kaine?s ?secret? liberal raise-your-taxes conspiracy.  Oh yeah, and MS-13 is linked to Al Qaeda.  And one of his top supporters wants to assassinate the President of Venezuela. And he's terrified to debate Tim Kaine and Russ Potts.  Poor dear.
