Talking Head "News"

By: Dan
Published On: 8/23/2005 1:00:00 AM

Why are so many "news" shows just about political commentary, aka "shouting?"  Is this what the media has come to - "talking head" pundits yelling at each other, dividing people and confusing them as to what the truth really is?  Isn't the news supposed to be about investigating a story and then reporting on the who, what, where, when, and why?  Imagine if all news stories were reported the same way political news is covered in this country.

For instance, here are Jim and Steve with the weather:

Jim: Well folks, the forecast for tomorrow shows rain heading our way, so you should probably bring an umbrella with you

Steve:  I disagree Jim; in fact our sources say it is going to be sunny

Jim: Sunny?  Where are you possibly getting that from?

Steve:  There we go again, you Rain-o-crats always pushing umbrellas on the American public

Jim:  I resent that.  Studies have shown that rain causes people to get wet, and unless they use umbrellas, they can get sick and their clothes can be damaged

See, there we go again, spreading fear about rain, and coming up with pet solutions like umbrellas to create more big government regulations 

Jim: I just don?t want people to get wet.  I?m looking out for the consumer.

Steve: No, you are looking out for the big umbrella corporations, which as we both know, do little to protect us from the rain.

Jim: What does it matter Steve, you said it was going to be sunny?

Steve: No, I said that you are pushing the idea that people should use umbrellas, which is a slippery slope to big government regulations.  What's next - mandatory rain coats, tarps covering our parks?

Jim: Does it matter Steve, you said the weather would be sunny, and (Steve interrupts)

Steve:  Well, you can just bring an umbrella in tomorrow just like all the other paranoid conspiracy theorists.  It won't work, and you?ll just come in wet.  You'll never learn.

Jim:  Sure Steve, but the last time it rained, I saw you come in here with a brand new, top of the line umbrella, and you didn't have a splash of rain on you!

Steve:  That's a bunch of bulls**t (takes off microphone and walks off set).

Now that you see how this kind of reporting applies to the weather, isn't it glaringly obvious how stupid it is for political reporting?  Pundits aren't really giving us the news, but rather a giant pile of waste matter that makes no sense and doesn't provide us with any useful information.  Every time a news story breaks, they give "prime-time" for pundits to argue about what actually happened, when that should be the job of investigative reporters. 

Unfortunately for us, investigative reporting has been replaced and all we have left these days is the talking head "news."


Because that is what (William Teach - 4/4/2006 11:27:51 PM)
Because that is what gets ratings. How often do we see moderate Dems or Republicans on TV on any station (other then something like C-SPAN?) You do not hear from those who are moderate. It's not about the news, it is about the entertainment value.