ABC News Covers 'Assembly Access'

By: Chris Guy
Published On: 1/29/2007 11:55:49 PM

And, surprise, surprise, Republicans cry about it. The VA GOP says giving the public access to committee meetings is "gotcha politics" akin to the George Allen-Macaca video. Unreal.

"It's an effort to demonize Republicans," said Shaun Kenney, communications director for the Virginia Republican Party.


It's my business, Mr. Kenney (Dianne - 1/30/2007 8:48:59 AM)
From the ABC article -- "Kenney said the presence of video cameras inside the committee hearing is hampering political discourse and debate."  Kenney is Shaun Kenney, the new RNC Communications Director.

Question:  How, specifically, Mr. Kenney, is political discourse and debate hampered? 

Any General Assembly discussion that leads to a vote that decides something that affects me is my business.  We pay the legislators' salary.  Period.

The committee meetings are supposed to be public all ready.... (FxbAmy - 1/30/2007 10:49:40 AM)
The only innovation in video is that the controlling majority can't use absurd scheduling to keep away the press and other observers.

We should all, regardless of party, be very wary of elected officials who claim that providing information to citizens hampers their ability to do their job.

And as for Shaun Kenney, why would an internet communications director oppose internet access to public information?

I read the article and beneath the crybaby aspect (Catzmaw - 1/30/2007 1:47:25 PM)
was one thing which disturbed me, and that was his allegation that the film was being edited to make the Repubs look bad.  As long as the filming is on the up and up and not skewed for political purposes I'm fine with it, but the folks doing this (and I think they're performing a public service) should keep to a C-Span like showing of the facts and nothing but the facts.  Fairness should be the standard.

Isn't that really the point? (Eric - 1/30/2007 4:01:14 PM)
When left to an individual, or party, you may get skewed results.  And if that individual or party is footing the bill they have every right to present the information in any way they like - even if it is misleading. 

Which gets to the heart of the matter - this is why the GA should video tape and distribute all it's activities.  And record all votes, for that matter.  Full disclosure from the GA itself will present the most realistic picture of their activity. 

And if the Republicans think they're being set up with "gotcha" bills then they need to speak up about it instead of hiding everything they do.  What a pathetic excuse to keep their votes and statements secret.