Anti War March in DC

By: seamusotoole
Published On: 1/27/2007 10:41:34 PM

What an unbelievable day.  Weather was spectacular as well as the crowd that showed up today.  There were tens of thousands of people from all over the United States who came and marched to show their concern regarding the war in Iraq.  The speakers were amazing and all agreed that the Administration's planned Surge of 21,000 more troops is a disgrace.  Everyone I spoke to support our troops and want them to come home ALIVE!! 

I was fortunate to march with my husband and some of the members of the DWC (Democratic Women of Clifton).  Jane Barker had worked tirelessly to produce signs supporting our new Senator Jim Webb.  The signs and Webb were met with admiration and praise for his wonderful Democratic Response to the State of the Union Message.  How refreshing it is to have someone stand up for what they believe in and voice it.

In all, it was a great day for our country.  Thanks to everyone who got out there today and voiced their feelings.  I'm hoping to get some pictures posted soon.

Mary Lee

[UPDATE by Lowell: See photos on the "flip."]


Bush Isn't Listening!! (jackiehva - 1/28/2007 9:10:20 AM)
He has said he is the "decision maker" and he isn't receptive to what the Hill and the vast majority of the American people are saying.  What is this guy smoking?  Is he able to sleep at night?  Does he really have a Constitutional right to act on his own? 

Way to go! (bigforkgirl - 1/28/2007 9:19:43 PM)
I am so sorry to have missed this!  One bad thing about moving from VA is the hassle to get to marches such as this.  Thanks for being there!