Sen. John Warner votes to kill ethics reform (UPDATED)

By: Rob
Published On: 1/18/2007 1:18:21 PM

(UPDATE: Go read and recommend this Daily Kos diary on this issue)

The Senate ethics reform bill was derailed yesterday by the GOP:

Senate Democrats' goal of passing strict new ethics rules as their first order of business as the majority party was stymied, perhaps only temporarily, by a partisan dispute on Wednesday....

An effort to move toward approval of the bill was blocked by Republican senators angry with Democrats for refusing to allow a vote on a GOP amendment, a modified version of the line-item veto. Sixty-five votes were needed to advance the legislation, and the vote was 51 to 46.

Guess how Senator John Warner - supposed paragon of principle - voted? He voted in favor of killing the ethics bill.
Josh Marshall explains what this means:
Republicans use poison pill to derail ethics reform in the senate.

No ethics reform unless the Republicans get a line item veto.

Call it what it is. The senate Republicans don't want an ethics bill. The corruption's just to sweet for them to let go of.

In other words, Senator Warner voted for a poison pill that would kill off ethics reform.

Looks like we've got our first campaign issue for 2008!


What is his explanation for doing this? (Hugo Estrada - 1/18/2007 1:48:37 PM)

Don't care.. (KathyinBlacksburg - 1/18/2007 1:51:29 PM)
I don't really care what J. Warner's explanation for this is. We'll defeat him in the long run (this term will be his last).  Let's replace a J. Warner with an M. Warner.

He has been decent in the past (Hugo Estrada - 1/19/2007 6:42:13 PM)
I strongly disapprove of his voting against this act, and I frankly find it out of character.

When Allen was a senator, Warner was the only federal representative that listened to my liberal concerns.  He was kind enough to listen to what I had to say, and sometimes even acting the way I wished he acted, and I think that he has earned enough respect to listen to his side of the story.

Put the Pressure on Warner (mosquitopest - 1/18/2007 3:13:51 PM)
I contacted Senator Warner's office about this.  I began the conversation with "rumor has it that Senator Warner plans to run for another term..." Interestingly enough Warner's office said that Senator Warner has not decided if he will seek another term.

I then said that IF Warner hoped to run again he would surely not continue to support the Bush agenda (in this case Bush's dream of a line item veto) and kill the ethics bill.

I also asked Senator Warner to make a statement on the Iraq war.  Is he with his constituents or going to continue backing the Bush agenda?  They will pass my message along....


His office gives me that old (madgranny - 1/18/2007 11:49:35 PM)
"We'll pass this along" stuff every time. I imagine Warner's staff person sitting there filing their nails or clipping their toenails. When I write to him, I get a (usually form) letter that says, thank you for contacting me. It is important for citizens to be involved in their government. Here's why you're wrong.
At least now, I get to write and call Senator Webb, not Felix Allen.

John Warner (Gordie - 1/18/2007 4:26:08 PM)
is as phoney as the some one selling the Brooklyn Bridge.
He claims to be for the Military yet he has said nothing about the V plated Hummves against IED's are not ready for Iraq because of the Pentagon holding up funding. Or the Israel's trophy rocket guernade defensive weapon not being purchased because the Army is waiting till 2011 for a different defensive weapon. If he was really for the militaty he would speak up NOW. Instead he is still backing the "Village Idiot".

Here! Here! (madgranny - 1/18/2007 11:52:03 PM)
Jim Webb's already submitted his VA educational bill. Where was Warner on this? He's a Bush lover/lackey. He just postures better than most.

My usual pedantic point... (Lowell - 1/19/2007 10:39:04 AM)
it's "hear hear," not "here here."  According to this site:

[Hear hear] originated in the British parliament in the 18th century as a contraction of 'hear him, hear him'. It is still often heard there although it is often used ironically these days.

Challenge Warner NOW (edgery - 1/18/2007 5:27:44 PM)
We have two choices (among many):
  -- Create a list of issues to bash Warner with during the 2008 elections
  -- Make him as uncomfortable as possible right now.

I vote for the second option.  He voted against the ethics bill already; he is not coming out clearly for or against BushCo's "escalation" of the Iraq war.  And I'm sure between now and the end of this Congressional session there will be plenty more things he does or doesn't do on which we can mount an effective offense.  Making a list and checking it twice may work in gift-giving but this is politics.

So, I recommend that everyone start calling and writing Warner now -- why did he vote against the ethics bill?  why did he think it would be okay with his constituents to block ethics reform?  how has Pres. Bush demonstrated that he deserves more unfettered power like a line-item veto?  is he for or against the latest Bush "plan" (surge number 5 plus undefined obligations by Iraq government with no timeframe or consequences)?  Don't take waffle words for an answer, politely push for explanations, get Warner or his staff on the record.

There's no reason to give him a grace period while we plan for 2008.  Well, that's my 2 cents anyway.

Agreed. Warner has served the state well, but... (Lowell - 1/18/2007 5:48:40 PM)
it's time for Democrats to take that seat.  We need to make John Warner really, really think hard about whether or not he wants to take on the same "rag-tag army" that helped elect Jim Webb. Hmmmmm......

I want to see something (madgranny - 1/18/2007 11:57:01 PM)
from Warner on authorization for Iran, too.

He's not going to tell you (Terry85 - 1/19/2007 12:11:17 AM)
just like he won't say anything about the troop surge in Iraq.  He doesn't know where he stands and refuses to tell Virginians anything.

Warner's constituency (suzerose - 1/18/2007 5:49:21 PM)
Warner has been up there so long I've little doubt he's very cozy with the Military development/contracting machinery.
Ethics? He's in so deep, this vote is not a surprise, line item veto or not.

Can someone share his e-mail address with me? Thanks

And I sooo agree-- M.Warner for Senate!!!!

It used to be (madgranny - 1/18/2007 11:55:28 PM)
but it's not on his website anymore. I couldn't find any online way to contact him.

Why? (jackiehva - 1/18/2007 7:48:36 PM)
Why would anyone vote against ethics reform in light of the outrageous corruption on the Hill???  Let us know who voted against the reform and we'll show our disgust with our votes. 
Did Warner offer an explanation?
Mark IN, John OUT!!!

Once again... (Terry85 - 1/18/2007 8:35:52 PM)
VA Democrats: it's time to get serious about challenging John Warner.

Thanks for posting this.