Goode's situation goes from bad to worse

By: Rob
Published On: 12/22/2006 9:39:20 AM

Here's Virgil Goode's pathetic interview with Fox News. 

Virgil says that he sees nothing wrong with the letter - in fact he's "somewhat surprised" at the uproar. He also used the moment as a platform to bash the diversity visa program.

Also, when asked if he'd meet Rep.-Elect Ellison, he didn't even bother to be specific.

I hope[s] to meet with all of the new member of Congress ... and see them all from time to time, debating legislation, meeting in committees, seeing them at other events and occasion, and I look forward to seeing him as the same with all the other members of Congress.
Great, so he demonizes Keith Ellison in a letter to hundreds of constituents (which now the whole world has seen), and Goode has no plans to actually sit with the man and get to know him? He hopes to just see him while they debate legislation? Wow.

The Fox interviewer, surprising, had some decent follow-ups. Including this question:

David Asman: So you do believe there're too many Middle Easterners here now?

(brief pause)

Rep. Virgil Goode: No, I GÇö I said there were GÇö and the Diversity Visa program needs to be ended. It shouldn't have been adopted to begin with, in my opinion.

Asman: But do you think there are too many Middle Easterners in the United States right now?

(brief pause)

Goode: Uh GÇö I'm not gonna say 'yes' or 'no' on that. I'd like to know the exact number. I don't have the exact numbers.

So, he made these comments without even knowing how many Muslims are in the country? Sheesh.
Also, the interviewer  pointed out that the Bible has nothing to do with the official ceremonies and is used in personal ceremonies - which Virgil confirmed. So, what about that, Virgil? Oh, Virgil was just saying he wouldn't use the Koran. And that his voters want him to use the Bible. And that he doesn't want to stop Ellison from using the Koran, he just wants to "restrict immigration so that we don't have a majority of Muslims elected to the United States House of Representatives." Oh, that's all? For Muslims to get elected to 218 seats in the House, there would have to be a LOT more Muslims in this country. Is Virgil really afraid that this could happen? I think that's textbook xenophobia.

Earlier in the same day, Virgil Goode gave a press conference. on this issue. Virgil stood firm behind his letter, did not issue an apology, and kept on fearing Muslims. Also, last night, I heard a clip of him on WTOP - it sounded like Virgil reading the letter!? Did Virgil turn this from a "written comments" controversy to a "video/audio" controversy? Did he just enter George Allen territory? If anyone has a link, please leave it in the comments.


This from Fox News???!!! (cycle12 - 12/22/2006 10:30:36 AM)
Good heavens, what might others be reporting?!

Thank you so much!


Somebody better tell Goode (demnan - 12/22/2006 10:39:01 AM)
that he has reached his "Maccaca" moment.  In two years he'll be out of office, I bet you.

Goode: Republican "Poster Child" 2007/2008 (cycle12 - 12/22/2006 12:50:14 PM)
Agreed, "demnan" but, in the interim - and since we got rid of that other similar guy who used to be the junior U. S. Senator from Virginia - we need a new Republican poster child for their ilk, and Virgil Goode will serve quite well in that capacity for the next two years.



typical... (Arlington Mike - 12/22/2006 10:59:04 AM)
It is so great the way Virginia Republicans continue to give the Commonwealth and its residents such a bad name.  In all seriousness, between Allen and Goode and others, the rest of the country must think Virginia is filled with some backwards, racist, mean-spirited people.  I almost wish that Virginia Dems could be even stronger in their rebuke of statements like Goode's, to make it clear that they don't represent the entire state's mindset.

How to help Dems in 07 & 08 (Shawn - 12/22/2006 11:11:38 AM)
Write a letter, send an email, get all your area Republican office holders on the record ... ask them if they agree with Virgil ... don't forget to ask John Warner too

his worst comment... (West Ailsworth - 12/22/2006 11:56:50 AM)
Goode's comments about the diversity visa program were by far the worst.  It sounded like something we'd here from David Duke.

"We need to do away with diversity visas" that "increase the number of visas and immigrants from persons not from the European countries"


He meant to say do away with Visas for non-whites. (thegools - 12/23/2006 1:21:40 PM)
The people of the 5th must be "so proud."  Puke.

As a supporter of immigration reform, Goode does not represent me (relawson - 12/22/2006 12:19:00 PM)
His xenophobic rants are an outrage and a setback to people who want immigration reforms - not out of hatred or fear - but out of economic neccesity.

I am pro-immigration as long as it does not harm education, healthcare, justice, and the labor market for American citizens.  That is the only thing we should consider - not the "needs" of corporations to exploit people as a means of low-cost labor.

The question we must ask is how we can use immigration to better America.  Not how we can discriminate against some religions.  In the first wave of immigration in the early 1900s, we said "Give us your poor".  They came - from all walks of life.  There was a rise in crime - poverty and crime have a relationship.  But the vast majority came to America in pursuit of the American dream.  The system enabled them to move up the ladder and into the middle class.

Now, we see the masses coming but the goal is no longer the pursuit of the American dream.  The goal is now based upon Corporation's desires for cheap labor.  So we now have "temporary" programs - these programs aren't designed with the goal of creating future Americans but rather creating exploitable and indentured classes of labor.  They have a permanent place in the lower-class; our very own "untouchables". 

We have prisons filled with violent foreign criminals who aren't legally suppose to be in this country - they came to pursue serve the corporation's goal of cheap labor.  They didn't become productive citizens, and they didn't leave because nobody forced the to.  They have become a problem.  Their children attend our schools; many of which have dads in prison and moms on welfare.  In short, they are here on our dime - at a great cost - all to serve the goal of cheap labor.

As long as the goal is centered around corporations desire to exploit people, the system will work against creating American citizens who contribute to our society.  It will create an underground group of people - because they are now illegal - and this underground class will expand because nobody in government wants to work against the GOAL OF CHEAP LABOR.  Cheap for whom?

Why should we have immigration?  What purpose should it serve?  And what purpose does it currently serve?  Does the purpose it currently serves match the purpose it should serve?  These are the critical questions you should ask.

My solution to the immigration crises is simple: CHANGE THE GOAL!!!  Make it about advancing America, not about corporate profits and cheap, exploitable labor.

Please, oh please SNL, MadTV, Leno, and Letterman (Catzmaw - 12/22/2006 2:28:09 PM)
Please parody Virgil Goode.  Even his name lends itself to a laugh. 

And Comedy Central's "Daily Show" with Jon Stewart... (cycle12 - 12/22/2006 3:01:27 PM) well as its "Colbert Report", and MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews and "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann, and CBS's "Late, Late Show" with Craig Ferguson, and, and, and...probably many more excellent possibilities...

Others, please?



How about (CommonSense - 12/22/2006 3:18:19 PM)
the House Ethics Committee?

Holey moley (scarlatagal - 12/22/2006 5:56:22 PM)
He's what I call DAD (dumb as dirt)
Pathetic, indeed.....