Bush is Delusional

By: Newport News Dem
Published On: 12/14/2006 6:58:07 PM

Every time I read the Bush comments from the presser at the Pentgon yesterday, the angrier I become. The man is in need of some psychological help becasue he is in some alternate universe and state of denial.

Speaking after talks with top defence officials at the Pentagon, Mr Bush said there had been "candid and fruitful discussion about how to secure this country and how to win a war that we now find ourselves in."

Excuse me!!!! A war that we now find ourselves in!!!

Let me remind this President that this war we find ourselves in is YOUR WAR.
Let's remind you how you and your neocon cabal used the death and destruction of 9-11 to push for your war of choice on Iraq.

Let's remind you how you and your neocon cabal twisted and misrepresented the state of intelligence of Iraq's WMD and nuclear programs to whip up fear in Americans to sell this war.

Let's remind you and your neocon cabal that weapons inspectors were on the ground, searching for prohibited materials, destroying Al Samoud missiles at the same time you were telling the American people that Sadaam "kicked the Inspectors out"

Some of us remember that these professional Inspectors were not finding the stockpiles promised. Some of us remember you duping Congress by promising to secure a second UN vote of approval, secure a broad international coalition, and that is why you required the AUMF, Authorization for Use of Military Force. We believed brave and prescient men like General Zini and Jim Webb, before the start of YOUR WAR, that this was a monumental and strategic blunder.

Now you have the unmitigated gall to say we find ourselves in a war? It is your war; it is your chaos and it is your buddies getting rich off it. Blood money flows in your privatized war.

Now I have absolutely zero confidence in your intellectual capability to make and informed decision. But you now are acting like Nero and fiddling while Baghdad is burning.

Mr. Bush said: "There's a lot of consultations taking place. I will be delivering my plans after a long deliberation, after steady deliberation. I'm not going to be rushed into making a difficult decision, a necessary decision, to say to our troops"

Well President Nero. Let's assume that your deliberation will add 30 days to whatever mistake will emanate from your incurious brain. We are losing 3 or 4 soldiers and marines a day. That is another 90 to 120 families, 180 to 240 parents and untold numbers of brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and neighbors who will lose a loved one while the "decider" decides.

A war we find ourselves in, indeed. May God grant wisdom and courage to the new Congress so that we may extricate ourselves from George Bush's War.


You've said it well (Dianne - 12/14/2006 8:53:53 PM)
He didn't dupe you and he didn't dupe me before the war!!!  He lied and he continues to lie...."win a war that we now find ourselves in"!!!!

To say that these people are without any evidence of character is being too kind.

Thank you for your post.

Bush Unhinged (JPTERP - 12/14/2006 10:23:20 PM)
Yeah, I get the sense he's not completely there either.  GWB makes periodic admissions concerning the "Ground Reality" in Iraq.  But inevitably during the next news cycle he seems to slip into the 2004 script.

It's frustrating to keep hearing the "Victory" rhetoric, when we haven't yet heard a no B.S., unevasive "our strategic objectives are" speech.  The "terrorists win, we lose" doesn't cut it.  The terrorists, as in Al Qaeda, only account for 1,200 or so of the fighters currently in Iraq.

When I hear guys like Hagel or Webb speak, or even reading the ISG Report--at least there's a sense of, "hmmm" I hadn't really thought of things that way.  Or, yeah, these guys seem to at least have a pretty good grasp of the core issues.  GWB doesn't begin to inspire that type of confidence.  He just doesn't sound credible. 

Bravo (scarlatagal - 12/16/2006 2:29:46 PM)
Thanks for that.  My sentiments exactly. I just love the way Georgie tries to wiggle out of his responsibility as the idiot who opened up the Pandora's box.  What a moron.  His mental  failures and arrogance have taken us down the road to hell.