Jerry Kilgore: "Chicken Little"

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/20/2005 1:00:00 AM

Today's Washington Post has an editorial which takes a delicious swipe -- without naming him -- at Jerry Kilgore.  The subject is the Herndon decision to build a "modest" center for day laborers in a vote that "should have been a simple town matter."  As we all know, however, a foaming-at-the-mouth, right-wing, AM radio talk show host -- not even from Virginia! -- felt obliged to weigh in.  As did Jerry "the Duck" Kilgore, who says he "always trusts the people," but then turns around and demonstrates that he manifestly never has and never will! 

Anyway, here's what the Post has to say about the overreaction of people like Jerry Kilgore to a simple, pragmatic, "modest" decision by the Herndon Town Council:

It's all vaguely reminiscent of Chicken Little, who got so bent out of shape when that acorn fell on her head. Instead of determining what the real problem was, she figured the sky must be falling, and off she ran to tell everyone the dreadful news. The proposed day-laborer center is not the problem; it is a response to a condition created by an unrealistic federal policy that offers visas to no more than 10,000 unskilled workers a year when the jobs available number many times that. Stepped-up enforcement isn't necessarily the answer: Immigration should not be under the purview of local police, and federal authorities have come to the reasonable conclusion that raiding parking lots where immigrants gather to seek gainful employment need not be a priority.

Really concerned about illegal immigration? Don't blame the Herndon Town Council. Lobby the government or complain to the employers whose legal responsibility it is to check workers' documents. And then take a moment to glance up at the sky. It isn't falling.

Yep, that's Jerry Kilgore for you, a "Chicken Little" who would rather scream about how the "sky is falling" than actually propose a solution to a problem.  Of course, the small fact that  stopping illegal immigration and securing our borders is a FEDERAL NOT A STATE MATTER might have something to do with this.  So why is Jerry Kilgore, who ducks everything else, sticking his "Chicken Little" beak into a matter over which he has a) no power or jurisdiction and b) no clue?  And how does this behavior square with his supposed philosophy of letting people at local levels make decisions in their own self interests as they see fit?  Just curious. 
