Who Will Save Us from George Allen?

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/19/2005 1:00:00 AM

Now that former Lt. Governor Don Beyer (D) and former Congressman L.F. Payne, Jr. (D) have both indicated that they most likely won't run against Sen. George Allen (Rightwing "R"), the question arises:  "who will save us from George Allen?"  Here are a few suggestions, in my personal order of preference (and assuming that Mark Warner is running for President, not Senator):

David Ashe - Iraq war veteran who ran for U.S. Congress (2nd District, Virginia) in 2004 and will run again in 2006.  Why not the Senate?  Why not Virginia's own version of Paul Hackett?

Andy Rosenberg - ran and lost against Jim Moran in 2004, but pulled respectable numbers for a political neophyte.  He's a lobbyist these days.  Another rising star who needs some races to up his "name ID."

Chuck Robb - why not?  His negative past is a distant memory, he's won in Virginia statewide numerous times before (for Governor and US Senator). In addition, he worked well with Republicans in co-chairing the Presidential "Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction," which earlier this year produced a "scathing" report on the U.S. intelligence community.  Robb would certainly make this a high profile race and pin down Allen - which is the whole point, right?

Chap Peterson - ran for Lt. Gov. but lost in the primary; a telegenic young Democrat who won a traditionally Republican state seat.  This would be a great way to get the "name ID" up for a rising star.  Because he ran a statewide campaign this year, he has the apparatus ready.

Walter Tejada - member of the Arlington County Board, telegenic and good speaker.  Virginia's Latino community is booming, and having him on the statewide Dem ticket would help draw them away from the GOP. 

Owen Pickett - Moderate Democrat and former congressman from a few years back.  He has strong name ID in southeast Virginia, and could also pin down Allen a bit.
Two more, just for fun ('cuz they ain't gonna happen in 2006)!

Leslie Byrne - On the extremely slim (0.00001%)  chance that she loses her current race for Lt. Governor (which she won't!), Leslie Byrne would make a formidable opponent for George Allen.  Byrne is an experienced campaigner with an first-class state campaign apparatus who could press the Progressive cause quite well.  However, she's not going to lose to Bill "Enron of the Insurance Industry" Bolling, so it's a moot point.  Leslie Byrne for Senate, 2008?

Creigh Deeds - Also, on the extremely slim (0.00001%)  chance that he loses his race for Attorney General (which he won't!), Deeds would make a great candidate to run against George Allen.  Having met Deeds a couple of times, I can definitely tell you that he's got "it."  Of course, that's exactly why he's going to kick butt against "Taliban Bob" McDonnell this November, so again, this is a moot point.  Still, I'd love to see Creigh Deeds in the U.S. Senate some day, preferably soon (John Warner's seat, 2008?).
