Senator Biden (D) - Supports US-India Nuclear agreement; Indentured Servant Visas

By: relawson
Published On: 12/5/2006 8:51:49 PM
In a statement to the Indian press, Senator Biden appears to support the US-India Nuclear Agreement giving the United States access to Indian mangoes, India access to US nuclear technology, and American corporations more H-1b "indentured servant" visas.

This is not the type of Democratic leadership that Americans voted for.  We want Democrats to protect our jobs, not support reverse outsourcing and indentured servitude (the H-1b visa), and to be very careful with nuclear proliferation.

I hope more Democrats, Independents, and moderate Republicans will join me in saying "Shame on Senator Biden". 

It is true that India is a democracy and a potential long-term ally.  However, our involvement in nuclear deals in the region could introduce even more instability.  India is are also an emerging economic super-power still paying third world salaries and wages and because of this we are being forced to compete head to head in a race to the bottom.  Any trade deals with India should correct the disparities, not make them worse!  Reverse outsourcing (the H-1b) and offshoring should be reigned in so that our relationship with India is more fair and more balanced.  This is NOT a fair trade deal as far as American workers are concerned.  It is entirely about big business and this is a recipe for MORE LOST JOBS.
India also pegs its currency to a basket of other currencies, mostly consisting of the US dollar (similar to what China does).  Even with the decline of the USD and the double digit annual growth in India, the Rupee has appreciated just a few percentage points. 

Additionally, we have a huge trade imbalance with India - they are notorious for intellectual property theft and don't believe in reciprocal trade.  They are happy to sell us anything, yet getting our products into India is quite a challenge.  Not that we manufacture them anymore, anyways.

Enough jobs are leaving this country, and the politics of Senator Biden are a national disgrace!  We need more "Jim Webb" Democrats, who I hope will fight strongly against the corporate Democrats.


MR. MBNA (TurnVirginiaBlue - 12/6/2006 5:19:06 PM)
he also helped extensively with the Bankruptcy bill.

I think we need to tally up all who are running, put up
a composite of their voting record and activities on:

offshore outsourcing
bankruptcy bill
budget deficits
insourcing (importing cheap labor)

and post.

He is not popular among the netroots and my impression is
Hillary isn't very popular we need to figure out who is running who is working hard for working America, labor and not special/corporate interests and get on the bus.

What a disaster it would be to have the Democratic nominee be yet another Corpocrat.

I hope we can be persuasive, and convert him (relawson - 12/6/2006 7:09:24 PM)
I go into attack mode maybe too often ;-)

I would like to try and see if we can convince Biden and the others why we are right.  If they would give us a short amount of time to explain our case, perhaps they would see the light.  I can't recall the last time a Senator invited us to speak - or anyone I know to speak with them.  Their offices seem to be filled by the elite, unfortunately.

In this case, hundreds of thousands of jobs are at stake.  You would think that Senators would be talking to the people who may lose their jobs to see what they think.

I think that politically, things have changed.  There are more independents and swing voters now.  The candidates who don't answer to the middle (on both sides) will find themselves out of jobs - especially in swing districts.

Virginia wasn't even suppose to be a swing state and everyone wrote off Jim Webb after the primary.  People in Virginia showed everyone.  So even the "safe" candidates aren't always safe.

I was just going to call him that (pitin - 12/7/2006 12:41:00 AM)
Yeah, Biden sold out a long time ago, he won't win a damn single primary if he runs for Pres again.

asdf (TurnVirginiaBlue - 12/7/2006 7:03:01 PM)
Maybe we can just examine all possibilities, find someone we think would be the ultimate leader and if she/he is not running, draft them.

That is all we need (Gordie - 12/7/2006 12:43:55 PM)
Iran, N. Korea, anyone who wants nuclear weapons see George Bush and Senator Biden. All you need is a good crop af mangoes.

What a stab in the back to the new Democratic congress and senate. I still think my plan to get rid of all incumbants was the best. Wipe them all out. We would have had control of both houses with new people with new ideals.

Yes we need to give all these old time thinkers a new message. Shape up or get the heck out.