To those who doubt that Clark is THE best man for President.....

By: UndoBush
Published On: 12/5/2006 1:00:01 PM

I'm about to have 40 page story published that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is both the most electable AND most qualified--and not just for the foreign affairs arena. The story is set in the context of a teacher discussing with his students all of the ample evidence that the Bush administration is as corrupt as they are inept, along with the full scope of Clark's achievements and reputation and philosophy. Naysayers will be surprised by just how much he's been involved in government work that did not necessarily pertain to the military.
And to those who say he's not charismatic enough, you're entitiled to your opinion of course, but a co-worker of mine who loves Bush said he'd prefer Clark to Bush and was totally taken by Clark's recent appearance on c-span. "Just looking at him without the volume on he seems very approachable. And his military knowledge alone is charimatic because it instills confidence in the listener."

This is where you can read it: http://www.clarkvsbu...

But you need not read the whole thing to be convinced, just read this list of all of the things his peers and superiors have said about him, along with this brief overview of his experience as a leader in Washington as a teacher and political mover and shaker, and you will know that we--and the troops in particular--could not do any better than this man... http://www.dailykos....



No doubt here, "Undo" (cycle12 - 12/6/2006 8:21:08 AM)
Looking forward to taking the time to read your story.

