Bush knew Webb's son almost killed

By: teacherken
Published On: 12/3/2006 10:09:20 PM

there is a diary that went up recently on dailykos by hcc in va that is a result of attending a party in the Hunter's Mill District this evening.

Below the fold I have quoted the key portion.  If you can, go to dailykos and recommend the diary.
editing this to make it clear that it is a quote from the diary

Well, tonight I attended a party honoring volunteers in the Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County, VA who had helped - in a very big way - to bring about Webb's upset victory and thus garner control of the Senate.  I had the opportunity to chat with Congressman Jim Moran (D-Va 8th district) in private before he publicly addressed the group.  I recounted how proud I was of Webb's actions in front of Bush, and recounted the speculation on whether Bush could possibly have known about the incident with Webb's son.  He said, without hesitation:

  "Not only did Bush know about it, he was specifically briefed on the incident before meeting with Webb, and was cautioned to be extra sensitive in speaking with Webb about his son."

  Just to make sure, I said: "Wow, I guess not too many people know about this," and he said: "That's right they don't, but I know it's true, and there are lots of  things people don't know about that would surprise them"

So there we are folks.  The right wing columnists of the ilk of George Will call Webb a "boor," uncivil, etc., while in reality, it is there hero, George W. Bush, who is now revealed to be the boorest of the boors, the lowest of the lows, the crudest of the crude.  I hope he gets his due punishment in hell, or the International Court of Justice in The Hague, whichever comes first.


Someone (Kathy Gerber - 12/4/2006 12:36:13 AM)
needs to go on the record with this thing.